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American Academy of Pediatrics Teleconferences

In October and November of 2003, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) sponsored two teleconferences to educate health care providers about recent developments in newborn hearing screening, diagnosis, and intervention programs. The PowerPoint slides and audiotape of these teleconferences (including Question and Answer sessions) have been made available by the AAP for other interested people. The material can be downloaded to your computer where you can view/listen to it, or you can view/listen to it on your internet browser.

October 15, 2003: Early Hearing Detection and Intervention: The Role of the Primary Care Physician

Presenters: Judy Gravel and Betty Vohr

November 12, 2003: Newborn Hearing Screening: Early Intervention and Family Support Issues

Mary Pat Moeller and Albert Mehl




National Center for Hearing Assessment & Management (NCHAM)
Utah State University -  2615 Old Main Hill - Logan, Utah 84322
Tel: 435.797.3584
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