Title: 'Hearing Aid Mandates: Do They Go Far Enough? '
Track: 10 - Policy, Advocacy and Legislative Issues
Keyword(s): insurance mandates, family support, intervention,
Learning Objectives:
  1. Participants will learn about the variety of legislation for hearing aid and cochlear implant funding mandates in the U.S.
  2. Participants will understand gaps in funding due to self-funded or ERISA plans and gaps in Medicaid programs.
  3. Participants will become familiar with charitable funding, advocacy efforts, and the impact of the Affordable Care Act on this topic.


Currently, 18 states have passed some sort of insurance mandate for hearing aid funding for children from the time of identification to age 18, 21, or 25 depending on the individual state legislation. We'll examine how these laws differ and look at their impact, as well as examining the gaps for self-funded or ERISA plans. What are some tools that state EHDI teams can consider to help families locate funding or provide short term solutions while they search for funding? Will the Affordable Care Act have an impact on this issue?
Presentation: 1308SaraKennedy.pdf

Handouts: Handout is not Available
Sara Kennedy - Primary Presenter
Colorado Hands & Voices
     Credentials: Director
     Other Affiliations: OT
      Sara is a mom of four children, including a daughter who was born at home and later identified with a profound hearing loss. An occupational therapist by training, Sara has worked for Hands & Voices since 2000, currently serving as the Colorado chapter director and the editor for the quarterly newspaper, the Communicator, at the Headquarters level. Sara has a special interest in advocating for hearing screening in the homebirth community. She was a coauthor for the handbook Bridge to Preschool: Navigating a Successful Transition as well as articles and presentations on teaching our deaf/hh children about sex, promoting self advocacy, progressive hearing loss, and the decision process regarding cochlear implants. She finds parenting teenagers to be an even bigger challenge.

Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.