February 26-28, 2017 • Atlanta, GA


  |  Purposeful Play for Parents and Professionals

Purposeful Play for Parents and Professionals

As Speech-Language Pathologists addressing communication with children who are deaf or hard of hearing, one of the most common statements we hear from parents is, “I have this toy, but I don’t know what to do with it.” With so many toys to choose from, it can be difficult to select the ideal toy for a child with hearing loss and even harder to play with it in a meaningful and purposeful way. Toys take on new meaning for parents and professionals working with a child with who is deaf or hard of hearing. Age-appropriate toys become tools used by parents and professionals to engage the child in learning to communicate. As children grow and acquire new communication skills, the methods used when playing with the same toys can evolve in order to meet that child at his/her current levels and needs. An important part of a comprehensive aural habilitation program is teaching parents how to use the toys they have in their home in a purposeful way that also facilitates generalization of skills targeted during therapy sessions. Parents learn to use toys to teach, going beyond play, by having specific goals in mind while playing. A single toy can be used in a variety of ways to teach auditory skills, receptive and expressive language and vocabulary at different skill levels. Participants will be provided a list of toys for various age ranges and ideas on specific utilization of the toys to target auditory skills, receptive and expressive language, and vocabulary.

  • Identify effective and appropriate toys for use with children from 0-12 months to develop auditory, receptive and expressive language, and vocabulary skills.
  • Identify effective and appropriate toys for use with children from 12-24 months to develop auditory, receptive and expressive language and vocabulary skills.
  • Identify effective and appropriate toys for use with children from 24-36 months to develop auditory, receptive and expressive language and vocabulary skills.


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CART transcripts are NOT YET available, but will be posted shortly after the conference


Emily Noss (), University of Tennessee, Knoxville, eclark1@uthsc.edu;
Emily Noss is an Assistant Professor in Speech-Language Pathology at The University of Tennessee, Health Science Center in the Department of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology. Emily practices in the Child Hearing Services (CHS) Clinic in Knoxville. She specializes in pediatric Aural Habilitation for children who use cochlear implants and hearing aids, aural/oral communication assessments, pre- and post-cochlear implant evaluations, parent guidance and education, adult cochlear implant auditory training, and Alternative/augmentative communication.


Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.

Ashley Irick (), University of Tennessee, Knoxville, ayoung12@uthsc.edu;
Ashley Irick is an Instructor in Speech-Language Pathology at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in the Department of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology. Ashley practices in the Child Hearing Services clinic in Knoxville. She specializes in pediatric Aural Habilitation for children who use hearing aids and cochlear implants, aural/oral communication assessments, pre- and post-cochlear implant evaluations, family guidance and education, adult cochlear implant auditory training, and auditory processing disorders.


Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.

Autumn Sanderson (), University of Tennessee Health Science Center, amajor@uthsc.edu;
Autumn Sanderson is an Instructor in Speech-Language Pathology at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in the Department of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology. Autumn practices in the Child Hearing Services clinic in Knoxville. She specializes in pediatric Aural Habilitation for children who use hearing aids and cochlear implants, aural/oral communication assessments, pre- and post-cochlear implant evaluations, family guidance and education, adult cochlear implant auditory training, and auditory processing disorders.


Financial - No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial - No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.