2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH


3/05/2019  |   4:20 PM - 4:45 PM   |  Developing a Statewide Protocol for Diagnostic Testing   |  Heathrow A/B

Developing a Statewide Protocol for Diagnostic Testing

During this session, Ohio’s EHDI staff will review the development and implementation of a statewide protocol for follow-up diagnostic testing of infants not passing their universal newborn hearing screening. A taskforce consisting of audiologists, otolaryngologists and the state EHDI program was established after stakeholders identified the need for standardized follow-up protocols. The purpose of the taskforce was to create a statewide protocol for follow-up testing of babies within the first 6 months of life as a means to provide consistency in testing across audiologists and facility sites, reduce test time for ABR evaluations, reduce lost to follow-up/documentation and improve parental confidence in the profession. The discussion will focus on diagnostic evaluation variations among audiologists and the ability to monitor individual audiologists reporting through the electronic submission of diagnostic reports. The process of educating audiologists about the diagnostic protocol by scheduling in-person and on-line regional trainings will be reviewed. The method of calculating baseline audiologist diagnostic tests prior to training in order to monitor progress toward using the recommended state protocol will be also shared. This session will also provide examples of materials created that may assist other states in developing a coordinated audiology monitoring and training package using quality improvement methodologies and strategies to standardize testing protocols as well as improve communication and outreach to audiologists.

  • Participants will learn about the recommended protocol for follow-up testing in Ohio.
  • Participants will learn how electronic reporting was used to establish baseline data of diagnostic testing among audiologists.
  • Participants will learn how to implement statewide testing protocols using quality improvement methodologies.


Handout is not Available



Sheryl Silver (), Ohio Department of Health, sheryl.silver@odh.ohio.gov;
Sheryl M. Silver, Ph.D is a Public Health Audiologist and the diagnostic consultant for the State of Ohio Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program. Sheryl has over 20 years’ experience with statewide programs that focus on early detection, diagnosis and treatment of children with hearing loss. Before coming to the Ohio Department of Health, she worked as a hospital hearing screener, an audiologist for infants, toddlers and special needs populations, and an early interventionist for families of children with permanent hearing loss. Sheryl has presented on topics related to Ohio’s EHDI program both locally and nationally.


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Allyson Van Horn (), The Ohio Department of Health, Allyson.VanHorn@odh.ohio.gov;
Allyson Van Horn, MPH, MEd is the State of Ohio Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Coordinator and manages the Infant Hearing Program, Children’s Hearing Program, Children’s Vision Program and the Save Our Sight Program. Allyson has over 10 years’ experience with statewide programs that focus on early detection, diagnosis and treatment of children with hearing and vision problems. She has given many presentations on the importance of evidenced-based screening practices in the primary care, childcare and school settings. Allyson also participates on various statewide initiatives to improve hearing and vision screening, diagnostic and treatment rates.


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