2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH


3/09/2015  |   2:30 PM - 3:00 PM   |  Hindsight is 20/20. Are Families Getting the EI Services they Need?   |  Stopher   |  4

Hindsight is 20/20. Are Families Getting the EI Services they Need?

When a family receives a confirmation that their infant/toddler is deaf or hard of hearing they should be referred to Early Intervention (EI) Services. Families should, ideally, receive professional support to access appropriate services for both the parents and the child. But does this always happen? As a parent of a child with a hearing loss and a parent/professional who works with families, this presenter will explore how parents view EI services “after the fact” and share parent perspectives and hindsight about these services. This session will examine whether families fully understood their EI services while they received them, whether they were satisfied with the services and information they received, and what services were the most/least beneficial. The session will also explore why some families decline EI services and what services, if any, families would have liked to receive but did not. The results of a parent survey will be shared which explores parent experiences regarding satisfaction levels related to EI services. The target group for the survey was families who have transitioned to Part B, with children ages 3 through 12. Suggestions will be offered about how to assess parent satisfaction with their current EI services, how to encourage and support the family to seek out additional resources and community connections and how to prepare the family to take the lead in seeking out information to help their child succeed.

  • Explain why some parents may not be satisfied with their EI services and address perceived and/or real gaps in service.
  • Discuss why some families decline EI services.
  • Identify strategies to explain the benefits of enrolling in EI services to parents with deaf or hard of hearing infants and toddlers.

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Lisa Crawford (Primary Presenter,POC), Texas School for the Deaf, lisa.crawford@tsd.state.tx.us;
Lisa Crawford is the Statewide Parent Liaison in the outreach department of the Texas School for the Deaf. She has been providing resources, information and programs designed for families with children who are deaf or hard of hearing for over 8 years. She is also the administrator of the Texas Guide By Your Side program and a founding board member of Texas Hands & Voices. She and her husband Steve have two daughters, one who is hearing and one who is Deaf.


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