2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH


6/05/2017  |   12:00 PM - 12:15 PM   |  Natural Land Cover Increases Stream Stability Following Water Quality Perturbations   |  305A

Natural Land Cover Increases Stream Stability Following Water Quality Perturbations

Variation in stream recovery rates may be affected by both the choice of methods used to measure recovery and surroundings of the individual stream. After a perturbation, more natural cover may help a stream recover either by improving resilience (providing colonists such that the stream is able to recover quickly) or by improving resistance (providing subsidies and complex habitat for stability through time). We conducted a global meta-analysis to assess 1) which aspects of stream condition recover following a water quality perturbation, and 2) how land cover type impacts stream recovery. Studies primarily focused on recovery of fish, algae, or macroinvertebrate communities as metrics of stream condition. We found that on average, stream condition improves, but fails to reach the pre-perturbation condition. Metric type affected observed recovery: biotic integrity indices recovered more completely than diversity or abundance. Using model selection, we found that more natural riparian cover improves the ability of a stream to resist a water quality perturbation, but also reduces recovery completeness. Preservation of natural land cover may affect stream recovery primarily through improving the stability of aquatic communities.

  • S23 Rehabilitating urban streams: perspectives from science and management
  • C28 Land-Water Interfaces
  • S21 Practical applications of metacommunity theory in stream and river management

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Bronwen Stanford (), University of California, Santa Cruz, bstanfor@ucsc.edu;


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Erika Zavaleta (), UCSC, zavaleta@ucsc.edu;


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