2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH


4/15/2014  |   10:10 AM - 10:40 AM   |  Statewide Survey of Parents and Teachers of Young Children who are Deaf, DeafBlind or Hard of Hearing   |  Grand Ballroom 1   |  9

Statewide Survey of Parents and Teachers of Young Children who are Deaf, DeafBlind or Hard of Hearing

On standardized tests in Minnesota, most children who are deaf, deafblind, or hard of hearing continue to have educational outcomes that lag behind their hearing peers. A diverse group of stakeholders came together in 2011 to develop a collaborative plan to address this gap. The Collaborative surveyed parents and teachers of children who are deaf, deafblind, or hard of hearing as one method of gathering data to support this plan. Two surveys were administered (one survey of parents of children birth to age 5 and one survey of teachers). The parent survey was aimed at collecting information on how parents felt about making a communication choice, the resources and services they use, and their child’s development. The focus of the teacher survey was children’s access to services, resources used by teachers, and teacher’s assessment of children’s development. This presentation will provide an overview of the survey methods, including strategies to include non-English speaking families. The presentation will discuss results indicating that parents generally felt comfortable with their choices and positively about the services and resources available to them. However, a quarter of parents surveyed felt that their child is not developing language skills like other children his/her age. Parents described their greatest challenges in supporting their child’s development as gauging their child’s development and communicating with their child. In the teacher survey, respondents felt that less than half of the children they serve are demonstrating typical language growth and development. This presentation will describe how the Collaborative has shared and used the information collected through the surveys to improve services and outcomes for children and their families.

  • Identify strategies for developing and conducting a survey of parents or teachers of children who are deaf, deafblind and hard of hearing.
  • Identify strategies for collaborating across organizations to evaluate a state EHDI system.

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Melinda Marsolek (Primary Presenter,Author,POC), Minnesota Department of Health, melinda.marsolek@state.mn.us;
Melinda Marsolek is an epidemiologist with the Minnesota Department of Health's Newborn & Child Follow-up Unit. She has been working with Minnesota's EHDI program since 2012.


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Nicole Brown (Co-Presenter,Author), Minnesota Dept of Health, nicole.brown@state.mn.us;
Nicole Brown is a certified pediatric nurse practitioner and has worked in Minnesota’s Maternal and Child Health/Public Health field for over 19 years at both the state and local level. She is the supervisor for Newborn Screening long-term follow-up and is Minnesota’s EHDI Coordinator responsible to provide long-range planning and direction for the development, implementation, and evaluation of a statewide EHDI system for children once they are identified with hearing loss. Nicole served as the National Association of Pediatric Nurse Practitioners’ liaison to the American Academy of Pediatrics Task Force on Improving the Effectiveness of Newborn Hearing Screening, Diagnosis, and Intervention. She has worked with NCHAM as Quality Improvement Advisor and is the parent of two children who are deaf.


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Mary Hartnett (Author), Commission of Deaf, DeafBlind and Hard of Hearing Minnesotans (MCDHH) , mary.hartnett@state.mn.us ;
For over 40 years Mary Hartnett has worked with the deaf, hard of hearing, and deafblind communities in many different roles. Mary has been an educational sign language interpreter, a freelance sign language interpreter, a lobbyist, a community organizer and an executive director of three different nonprofit agencies. Mary has received awards from the Minnesota Association of Deaf Citizens, The Minnesota DeafBlind Association, the Ramsey County Bar Association, The Dispute Resolution Center, Lifetrack Resources, the Public Policy Award for Age and Disability from the Minnesota Department of Human Services and the Antonia Branca Award for Excellence in Early Hearing Detection and Intervention.


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