2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH


3/10/2015  |   3:45 PM - 4:15 PM   |  Enhancing Team Collaboration During Transition   |  Segell   |  4

Enhancing Team Collaboration During Transition

AG Bell's Family Needs Assessment (http://listeningandspokenlanguage.org/uploadedFiles/Family_Needs_Assessment/FNA%20Highlights.060214.pdf)revealed that families view the IFSP process favorably but describe the preschool years as challenging. The transition process launches a child and family into the preschool years and as discussed in the Family Needs Assessment Highlights document, families at Listen and Talk described difficulties they have encountered. In order to improve the family's experience, Listen and Talk considered the needs of both families and professionals. The team developed tools to enhance collaboration, which can positively impact the transition experience. Early interventionists monitor the various steps in the transition process and supporting families resulted in additional tasks. Managing the system requirements and family needs led to challenges. Preschool teams recognize the value and limitations of transition reports and evaluation summaries. Both provide information about skills and priorities, but a desire to better understand the family and child remained. Families shared that they felt disconnected from the decision making and unfamiliar with possible future services. Integrating meaningful communication between early interventionists and preschool teams resulted to enhance collaboration and support families. This session will share the tools created at Listen and Talk: 1) a checklist that extends beyond Part C timelines so that family involvement is not overshadowed by compliance requirements, and 2) teaming notes formatted to build conversations that extend beyond test scores so that preschool teams have a deeper understanding of family needs and child goals. Discussion will identify challenges addressed and how the tools enhance collaboration.

  • Identify up to 3 challenges early interventionists and preschool teams face when collaborating during transition.
  • Describe how Transition Teaming Notes support families and professionals during the transition.
  • Describe how a transition checklist enhances efficiency during the transition.

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Maura Berndsen (Primary Presenter,POC), Listen and Talk, maurab@listentalk.org;
Maura Berndsen (MA, CED, LSLS Cert. AVT) holds her BA in Deaf Education from Fontbonne University and her MA in Early Childhood Education from the UT, San Antonio. Maura is the Educational Director at Listen and Talk in Seattle, WA. She provides mentoring and supervision at Listen and Talk, as well as being a LSL Consultant on the WA State Center for Childhood Deafness and Hearing Loss Statewide Outreach Team.


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Kelli Koehnen (Co-Presenter), Listen and Talk, kellik@listentalk.org;
Kelli is an early interventionist and speech-language pathologist at Listen and Talk in Seattle, Washington. Kelli works with children with hearing loss and their families, providing parent education and coaching. Previously, she provided speech-language therapy and auditory-verbal services at the Center for Communication, Hearing & Deafness in Wisconsin for eight years. Kelli received her undergraduate and graduate degrees in Communicative Disorders at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. Kelli is a Listening and Spoken Language Specialist- Certified Auditory-Verbal Educator and has experience providing services virtually.


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