2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH


3/15/2022  |   3:15 PM - 3:40 PM   |  CARES, PROs and GREATs: An EHDI - Part C Collaboration for Relationship-focused DHH-Specific Supports in a Primary Coach Approach   |  Room 11

CARES, PROs and GREATs: An EHDI - Part C Collaboration for Relationship-focused DHH-Specific Supports in a Primary Coach Approach

The 2013 Supplement to the JCIH 2007 Position Statement states “screening and confirmation that a child is Deaf or Hard of Hearing (DHH) are largely meaningless without appropriate, individualized, targeted and high-quality intervention... immediate and ongoing family support, and access to support, mentorship, and guidance from individuals who are DHH.” In Wisconsin, EHDI programming goals include ongoing support of each of the 1:3:6 outcomes, but due to geographical inconsistencies in availability of DHH-specific services throughout the state, too many children and families go without appropriate early intervention services. In this session, participants will learn about an innovative partnership between Wisconsin’s EHDI organization (WI Sound Beginnings - WSB) and the Part C program (WI Birth to 3 Program). A Memorandum of Understanding designates WSB as a “participating partner” to the WI Birth to 3 Program and a WSB DHH-specific early intervention team joins the existing Part C teams in supporting their families who have children who are DHH. Learn how one state has developed a system to embed deafness-specific intervention within an already established Part C system utilizing the Primary Provider approach with DHH-specific coaching and teaming to make this specialized support available to families statewide. Learn how an approach from an infant mental health framework of centering the parent-child relationship as the foundation for applying the DHH-specific services supports the family on their journey, along with access to parent-to-parent and DHH role model support through the Parents Reaching Out and Grass Root Engagement Action Team (GREAT) programs, also part of the WSB focus on the “I” in EHDI. Learn how this partnership works to enroll more families in high-quality, deafness-specific early intervention, build capacity of Birth to 3 programs state-wide to identify the needs of this population, and ensure children and families receive the appropriate services they deserve.

  • Participants will recognize strategies for building successful partnerships between EHDI organizations and Part C programming within a Primary Provider approach
  • Participants will identify strategies and activities that promote strengthening the parent/child bond as a foundation for communication, social-emotional, and cognitive development.
  • Participants will learn about one state’s process for developing a collaborative relationship to integrate EHDI intervention services into an already established Part C Program



CART transcripts are NOT YET available, but will be posted shortly after the conference


Lauren Burke (), CESA 1 / Wisconsin Sound Beginnings, lburke@cesa1.k12.wi.us;
Lauren is the Wisconsin Sound Beginnings CARES Communication Specialist with an emphasis in Listening and Spoken Language. Lauren has worked within the Wisconsin Birth to 3 Program as a primary provider and in-home speech and language pathologist. As a member of Wisconsin's state-wide EHDI early intervention team, she is passionate about supporting infants and toddlers who are D/deaf or hard of hearing alongside and in partnership with their Birth to 3 team and their families. Lauren has experience using the primary provider model, coaching, and teaming practices. She is working towards attaining certification as a Listening and Spoken Language specialist (LSLS AVEd). Lauren began her career as an Early Childhood Special Education teacher before pursuing speech and language.


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No relevant financial relationship exist.

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Christine Kometer (InPerson), CESA 1 / Wisconsin Sound Beginnings, ckometer@cesa1.k12.wi.us;
Chris is the WI Sound Beginnings Early Intervention Coordinator and is a Teacher for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, Chris brings over 30 years of experience to her role. She has experience teaching children who are D/deaf or hard of hearing in four different states in a variety of settings--public school, university clinic, statewide outreach, and most recently, 17 years in a non-profit agency as Program Director for Early Intervention services, working within the WI Birth to 3 Program. She has worked with children and families who use American Sign Language, Total Communication and Listening and Spoken Language. She received an Advanced rating in ASL skill level and also holds certification as a Listening and Spoken Language Specialist (LSLS Cert AVEd). She has a Certificate in Infant, Early Childhood and Family Mental Health as well. She has also coordinated parent educational and support services, social-recreational events for children and families, sign language classes and larger family-focused events such as an annual statewide Family Learning Vacation weekend.


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No relevant financial relationship exist.

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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.

Andrew Altmann (Virtual), CESA 1 / Wisconsin Sound Beginnings, aaltmann@cesa1.k12.wi.us;
Andrew is the Wisconsin Sound Beginnings CARES Communication Specialist with an emphasis in ASL. He was born to Deaf parents and siblings and is fourth generation born Deaf. He grew up in a mainstream school setting from third grade to graduate school. He received his Bachelor degree in Social Work at UW-Milwaukee and Masters degree in Social Work at Barry University in Miami. He has worked in the social work field for 14 years and also works as a Deaf interpreter and an ASL instructor. His lifelong passion is supporting people. He loves making a positive impact in children's lives because they deserve it.


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No relevant financial relationship exist.

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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.

Jessica Dallman (InPerson), Natural Wisdom Counseling LLC, jessicadallmancounseling@gmail.com;
Jessica Dallman is a tri-lingual (English, ASL, Spanish) multicultural counselor based out of Wisconsin. Jess is passionate about weaving together trainings as a wilderness/equine therapist (Naropa University), special education teacher (Teach for America), early interventionist (Gallaudet University), and infant mental health specialist (UW-Madison) to serve clients and the community. She has an interdisciplinary, relational, and social justice framework that she brings to all of her work. Jess launched the Wisconsin Hawthorn Project, a free trauma-informed care resource for agencies that serve children and families, and provides Reflective Supervision/Consultation to organizations serving young children.


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No relevant financial relationship exist.

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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.