March 8-10, 2020 • Kansas City, MO


 Partnership in Action: Collaboration between Deaf Family Engagement Specialist and Early Childhood Teacher of the Deaf

Partnerships between professionals enrich services for our families with children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. In WA State we have created a model which consists of a strong collaboration between our Early Childhood Teachers of the Deaf and Deaf Family Engagement Specialist. This presentation will explain how the two positions support each other and the families they work with to ensure educational success for the children we work with. The Deaf Family Engagement Specialist shares information about Deaf culture and history in addition to teaching families American Sign Language through a combination of home visits, virtual visits and using technology, including cell phone apps. The Early Childhood Teacher of the Deaf tracks communication and social development, helps parents understand and implement audiological technology if chosen and appropriate, and reviews communication modalities. These two professionals provide joint home visits quarterly during which they update assessments, align goals and objectives and share resources with the family and other professionals who may work with the child. This presentation will share examples of the assessments used in gathering data and writing reports, video from home visits and some of the resources we share with the families. We’ll discuss the importance of open and clear communication between professionals and families and how this model of on-going regular in-person visits allow our team to provide focused and practical individual services to each child and family receiving our early intervention services.

  • Participants will understand the roles of Deaf Family Engagement Specialist (FES) and Early Childhood Teachers of the Deaf (TOD) in Washington state
  • Participants will review the structure of services provided by the FES & TOD in WA State
  • Presenters will share examples of written reports, supporting resources and technology used with families

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Presenter: Krissy Walker

Work in PreK-12 educational field for 21 years, ASL instructor/program planner


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Presenter: Kerianne Christie

Kerianne Christie is a National Board Certified Teacher with a Master’s degree in Education. She has been providing early childhood education services in and around Washington State for the past 16 years through the Washington School for the Deaf Outreach Team. She has been involved with the development and promotion of many statewide initiatives and projects that specifically impact the birth-to-three population and has presented at a variety of local and national conferences regarding early intervention services.


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No relevant financial relationship exist.

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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.