2022 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Virtual Conference

March 13 - 15, 2022


3/09/2015  |   3:20 PM - 3:50 PM   |  The Dream Team: the Playbook for a Partnership between Parents and Professionals   |  Stopher   |  4

The Dream Team: the Playbook for a Partnership between Parents and Professionals

Welcome to the Dream Team! We know that parents of children with a hearing loss rely heavily on audiologists and early intervention providers as their primary source of support and information (Robbins 2004). Studies show that parents are primary change agents in their child's communicative competence and over-all development (Moller 2000; Dunst 2001). Therefore, to best serve the needs of a young child with a hearing impairement all persons who provide services to the child should work as a team; this includes: parents, physicians, audiologists, educators and speech-language pathologists. This presentation will address the Dream Team, which is a collaboration of professionals and families working together to help each child reach their full potential. Two professionals (an audiologist and early intervention provider) and a parent will discuss strategies to stregthen the parent-professional team and examine the integrals role that the audiologist and early intervention provider has in caring for young children with hearing loss. The audiologist's role on the EI (early intervention) team is not just the 'equipment manager' because clinical experience and studies demonstrate that full time ampiflication use is the foundation for listening and spoken language. Therefore, from diagnosis through the transition period the audiologist's role is critical in supporting the child and the family. The EI provider is the 'coach' of the Dream Team providing critical guidance to the family and providing suggestions and strategies for communication development. Finally, The Dream Team is not complete without the parent, who is the 'Most Valuable Player' on the early intervention team. This presentation will show you that together this Dream Team is greater than the sum of its parts.

  • describe the integral role that the audiologist has in caring for young children with hearing loss.
  • describe the integral role that the EI provider has in caring for young children with hearing loss
  • list at least 2 strategies that will help a parent manage their child's hearing loss during the critical early language learning years.

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Sally Tannenbaum-Katsaggelos (POC), The University of Chicago, Comer Children's Hospital, stannenbaum@surgery.bsd.uchicago.edu;
Sally Tannenbaum-Katsaggelos is Co-Director of the Pediatric Hearing Loss and Cochlear Implant Program at The University of Chicago Medicine, Comer Children's Hospital. She has been working with children with hearing loss for over 30 years and received the 1999 Helen Beebe Award for Outstanding Therapist. In addition, Sally is a Developmental Therapist specializing with children with hearing loss in the state of Illinois. She has contributed to several books on pediatric hearing loss and lectures both nationally and internationally.


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Jane Madell (Primary Presenter), Consultant, Jane@JaneMadell.com;
Jane Madell, Ph.D., is a leader and known worldwide for her outstanding contributions to the field of audiology and pediatric hearing loss. She has been a Pediatric Audiologist for more than 50 years. Jane has contriubted to numerous text books and articles, presented at countless conferences, and been issued high awards for her work. She directed the Audiology program at the League for the Hard of Hearing for 21 years; was the Director of the Hearing and Learning Center and Co-Director of Cochlear Implant Center at Beth Israel Medical Center and New York Eye and Ear Infirmary for 15 years. Jane consults and lectures nationally and internationally on hearing loss in infants and children and assists in program development. She is a recipient of the Marion Downs Award for Excellence in Pediatric Audiology.


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Monique Baker (Co-Presenter), Hands & Voices, monique@kyhandsandvoices.org;
Monique Baker is first and foremost a mother of 3 children. Her third child, Abby, was born profoundly deaf and she found herself thrown into a world of hearing loss that she knew nothing about. She had already decided to quit her successful career to become a full-time mom prior to finding out about the hearing loss diagnosis. She then began the long road of teaching her daughter to listen and speak and partnered closely with her therapists to ensure her daughter had the best start possible. Early on she was introduced to the KY Chapter of Hands & Voices and in February of 2013 took the position of Executive Director. Her work is concentrated on funding for the organization and supporting the chapter state-wide.


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