2022 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Virtual Conference
March 13 - 15, 2022
5/25/2021 | 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM | GIS-based prioritization system for MS4 compliance projects in small municipalities | Virtual Platform
GIS-based prioritization system for MS4 compliance projects in small municipalities
The Clean Water Act regulates discharges of pollutants into streams and rivers, which includes point source discharges. Thus, local governments and other entities that manage municipal stormwater systems must meet certain requirements for mitigating stormwater through the MS4 program. This research aims to determine a framework for prioritizing best management practices (BMPs) and locations in small urbanizing areas to fulfill the MS4 requirements. This work is part of a broader initiative to build a college-community partnership and improve local water quality. A list of criteria for BMP selection and placement was generated and GIS data consistent with the criteria were created to generate a spatial model identifying ideal BMP locations. The criteria chosen included the areas outside of combined sewer systems, land outside the floodway, areas of existing BMPs, land parcel size, public ownership of land, impervious and pervious surfaces, and land within MS4 urban areas. We discovered that ideal locations for BMPs are limited in small river-towns such as Williamsport, PA, and that prioritization systems can be a useful tool for small municipalities with limited capacity.
- Management
- Models
- Policy
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Bailey Schwenk
(), Lycoming College, Schbail@lycoming.edu;
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Nonfinancial -
Robert Smith
(), Lycoming College, rsmith729@gmail.com;
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Nonfinancial -