2022 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Virtual Conference

March 13 - 15, 2022


3/02/2021  |   3:40 PM - 4:00 PM   |  Linking Language Building Strategies to Serve & Return   |  Topical Breakout

Linking Language Building Strategies to Serve & Return

What an amazing accomplishment learning to talk is for any child considering the complexity and interconnectedness of the systems involved! Given advances in technology and Universal Newborn Hearing Screening children who are deaf or hard of hearing are also able to master the skills necessary to learn to listen and speak. But how do the strategies used to build any child’s listening and spoken language skills relate to critical brain building practices of Serve & Return? This presentation will link listening and spoken language skills to the 5 Steps for Brain Building Serve & Return proposed by the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University. Linking language learning strategies to Serve & Return is likely to improve both receptive and expressive language skills, increase caregiver engagement while also building stronger brains! The Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University believes in focusing on research and the building of communities that share the knowledge of intervention strategies that have lifelong effects on how the brain is built. All of their practices are steeped in evidence-based research. This presentation will take the evidenced-based research of Serve & Return strategies and discuss the link to language learning strategies creating evidence informed practice. Often interventionists, teachers, caregivers and parents learn new skills but don't link these skills to all areas of a child's development. Linking the brain building science of Serve & Return to strategies that build listening and spoken language skills has the potential to increase overall language abilities while also building stronger brain architecture. Let's work smarter not only harder!

  • The participant will link at least one language learning strategy to one of the 5 steps of brain building Serve & Return outlined by the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University.
  • The participant will list two activities that support serve & return and language development

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Sherri Fickenscher (), Clarke Schools for Hearing and Speech, sfickenscher@clarkeschools.org;
Sherri Fickenscher, LSLS Cert. AVEd, is an Education Support Specialist at Clarke Schools for Hearing and Speech/Pennsylvania. She is responsible for staff and parent coaching and training. She mentors professionals seeking their Listening and Spoken Language certification and has presented at state, national, and international levels in an effort to improve listening and spoken language outcomes for children and families. Ms. Fickenscher is a contributing author to 101 Frequently Asked Questions About Auditory-Verbal Practice as well as Preparing to Teach, Committing to Learn and From Listening to Language. She is co-author of Auditory Verbal Strategies to Build Listening and Spoken Language Skills. Sherri is a member of the AGBell Association Board.


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