2022 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Virtual Conference

March 13 - 15, 2022


9/26/2017  |   1:05 PM - 1:50 PM   |  Cyber Defense via Event-Based Modeling   |  Track 1 - Cyber Security

Cyber Defense via Event-Based Modeling

This paper presents a new approach for identifying unknown and/or unwanted states within a system of systems (SoS) architecture using a graphical representation of the event-based modeling language, Monterey Phoenix. The paper demonstrates how the graphical modeling tool can create a single model that contains a mix of human, system, and environmental events, all of which contain event attributes. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate a new approach to cyber defense by evaluating attributes of human, system, and environmental events.

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Joey Rivera (), U.S. Military Academy, West Point, joey.rivera.mil@mail.mil;
Lieutenant Colonel Joey Rivera is an Army Reserve Officer assigned to the U.S. Military Academy, Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science. He has 34 years military service, most of which has been focused on big data cyber defense. Joey also owns a software development company that specializes in cyber defense using formal methods. The product, Eagle6, was used to validate concepts within Joey's research.


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