2022 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Virtual Conference

March 13 - 15, 2022


3/20/2018  |   9:40 AM - 10:40 AM   |  Parent Encouragement + Education = Effective Engagement   |  Mineral D/E

Parent Encouragement + Education = Effective Engagement

The implementation of state-based Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) programs are enhanced by effective parent support and education. The art and science of educating and supporting families will be presented through the lens of a family-centered program’s analysis of theory and practice. Results from parent self and program evaluations will highlight valuable approaches. Parents often request services for their children’s communication but decline separate opportunities for parent training or family support. When a program is designed to first offer specific education paired with personal encouragement parents’ skills expand. As their self-confidence is nurtured by services that involve the parent and child, families recognize how support and education can strengthen them. Parents as adult learners prefer education clearly pertinent to their concerns, connected to their experience and applicable to their situation. As they acquire knowledge that they perceive as useful, parents become self-directed learners. When parents’ competence is respected in a supportive education approach, they begin to monitor their understanding and feel prepared to make decisions. Parents who are asking questions, offering suggestions and searching for services rely on what they have learned not only about their children and hearing loss but also about themselves. As they use their expertise to interact with service providers and share their values and goals, parents take on larger roles. As their empowerment grows parents gradually become partners with professionals. The presentation focuses on building effective engagement of parents. Intervention staff can gain strategies for providing parent encouragement. EHDI coordinators and stakeholders can add to their tools for guiding parent education initiatives. Parents can obtain suggestions for advising systems in effective parent engagement. All will leave with ideas that can enhance EHDI’s parent partnerships.

  • explore best practices for implementing parent support
  • recognize methods to strengthen parent adult education
  • identify successful strategies to build parent partnerships

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Anne McNally (), John Tracy Clinic, amcnally@jtc.org;
Director JTC Distance Education for Parents, Coordinator of JTC's International Sessions.


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