2022 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Virtual Conference

March 13 - 15, 2022


3/07/2023  |   11:00 AM - 11:30 AM   |  Three Types of Fun - Families Nurturing Early Language and a Love of Literacy   |  DECC 207/208

Three Types of Fun - Families Nurturing Early Language and a Love of Literacy

Tennessee Schools for the Deaf Comprehensive Educational Resource Center includes an Outreach program called 0 - 5 Language & Literacy. Since 2017, the program offers to families three models of providing meaningful language, enhancing early literacy, and reading readiness. These models are specifically designed for families with children identified with hearing concerns or hearing levels below the speech ranges on an audiogram. Integral to the design for these models is cultural humility, diversity, and native language. The 0-5 Language & Literacy team intentionally seeks out and includes professionals representing the intersectionality represented in Tennessee’s population. Each of three programs emphasizes skills and strategies that families can implement at home. Featured competencies are based on evidenced based research for parent and d/hh/d+ child engagement. Families have the tools to promote language acquisition/ literacy development in their child. Families are empowered to use the materials, strategies, and supports to nurture language acquisition for their young child and infuse literacy in the daily routines of their home. The presentation will briefly demonstrate each of the three models used by 0 – 5 Language & Literacy. The models include a version of the Shared Reading Project / Read it Again and Again, the TSD Ready, Set, Learn! Family Literacy Workshop, and Bookworm Buddies - Family and Child Book Club and Play-Date. Participants will receive descriptive information about each of the models.

  • Participants will be able to name strategies families can implement at home to promote access to early language for their child with hearing concerns.
  • Participants will be able to summarize language and early literacy components of an effective model for children who have hearing concerns.
  • Participant will be able to apply strategies, develop materials, and gather resources to implement in their own practice.

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Tracy Duncan (), Statewide 0-5 Language & Literacy, TN Schools for the Deaf, t.duncan@tsdeaf.org;
Tracy Duncan, M.ED. & M.Ed. Statewide 0-5 Language & Literacy Coordinator; Educational Consultant Tracy Duncan, is serving as an Educational Consultant for the Middle & West regions of Tennessee. Previous professional employment beginning in 1970’s includes: Head Start – Child & Family Resource Program, social worker, preschool teacher, RID interpreter for the deaf, infant massage instructor, SKI*HI state & national trainer, home visitor for parent – infant home based programs for children identified with hearing concerns, TEIS Service Coordinator, classroom & itinerant teacher of the deaf for MNPS, and community planner. Tracy’s passions include collaborating with providers in order to address the needs of the child with hearing concerns within their family system by promoting language acquisition, social-emotional integrity, cognitive development, and the full realization of their self-esteem as a person.


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Alisa Weeks (), Tennessee Schools for the Deaf, a.weeks@tsdeaf.org;
Attended University of TN for her BS in Deaf Education. Taught at the Tennessee Schools for the Deaf in Knoxville in preschool and elementary for 15 years. Worked in Home Based Early Intervention for five years. Completed her SKI*HI Parent Advisor Training in 2003 and updated her National Parent Advisor Training in 2021. Since 2018 Alisa has been the 0-5 Language & Literacy representative covering all of East TN.


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Briella Diaz (), Tennessee Schools for the Deaf, b.diaz@tsdeaf.org;
Briella, BS, is a SKI*HI Nationally Certified Deaf Mentor and SnapShots Guide. She joined the Tennessee Schools for the Deaf in 2019 as the Deaf Mentor / Parent Advisor Research Program Coordinator. In 2021, the Snapshots Program was added to the program offerings. Briella has been active in developing, refining, and implementing language and literacy components into the Deaf Mentor / Parent Advisor program. She has collaborated with REAL, Shared Reading Project, and Gallaudet Regional Programs to implement effective ways to enrich language learning and early literacy opportunities for families to use with their deaf/hard-of-hearing children at home.


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Connie Robinson (), Tennessee Schools for the Deaf, c.robinson@tsdeaf.org;
Connie joined the Tennessee Schools for the Deaf, CERC Outreach Program, 0-5 Language & Literacy in 2021. She is based at the West TN School for the Deaf in Jackson and covers all of the Western region of the state and Memphis. Connie is a certified Deaf-Peer Mentor as well as a Nationally Certified SKI*HI Deaf Mentor, Parent Advisor, and SnapShots provider. From 2010-2017 Connie helped to establish and was the Executive Director of the Deaf Family Literacy Mid-South Shared Reading Project that was funded by the Barbara Bush Foundation for Literacy.


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