2022 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Virtual Conference

March 13 - 15, 2022


3/10/2015  |   3:45 PM - 4:15 PM   |  Non-profit Partners in EHDI   |  Stopher   |  1

Non-profit Partners in EHDI

Arizona Early Hearing Detection and Intervention program has successfully partnered with several not-for-profit, Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO). Collaboration has included many aspects of EHDI including: -policy -legislation -equipment -training -professional consultation -education -others There are areas in which the NGO is better able to leverage EHDI opportunities for funding, policy, legislation and others than the state government. This presentation will describe some of Arizona's successful partnerships, apply those experiences to your own state, as well as help you identify organizations and opportunities that are already available to you.

  • identify potential EHDI Non Governmental Organization (NGO)partners
  • describe roles in state EHDI programs that are uniquely suited to NGO partners
  • apply Arizona experiences to opportunities in your own state

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Melissa Selbst (Co-Presenter), EAR Foundation of Arizona, melissa@earfoundationaz.com;
Executive Director, 2006-present EAR Foundation of Arizona Staff and volunteer management, Fundraising, Community Relations, Board Management and Development Financial Management, Program Management Professional Education and Training Director of Program Services and Public Affairs, 1996 – 2006 March of Dimes Arizona Chapter, Phoenix, Arizona Program management and oversight for public health education, professional health education, advocacy and grants management for the Arizona Chapter. Consultant, Creative Management Learning Solutions, L.L.C., 1996-current Developed a Managed Care Course Curriculum and course instruction on various health topics. Participated in the development, implementation and evaluation of a HRSA grant. Conducted patient chart audits. Developed patient education materials for patient newsletters both Medicaid and Medicare populations. Develop and market health education tools and trainings.


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Lylis Olsen (Primary Presenter,POC), The EAR Foundation of Arizona, lylisolsen@msn.com;
Lylis Olsen is the State EHDI Coordinator in Arizona. She is a pediatric audiologist with 35years of experience. She also has a Master's degree in Public Health and has 28 years experience in state newborn hearing screening programs. She works with the EAR Foundation of Arizona on education, advocacy and promoting services for families and their children who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing. Lylis also manages the HEAR for Kids, a unique program that serves as a safety net for children in need of loaner cochlear implants or hearing aids, permanent hearing aids or access to all levels of diagnostic audiology services.


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Randi Winston-Gerson (Co-Presenter), NCHAM, A.T. Still University, The EAR Foundation of Arizona, randiwinston@infanthearing.org;
Randi consults on a variety of EHDI related projects and serves as adjunct assistant professor at A.T. Still University. Prior to that she worked as a consulting audiologist for The EAR Foundation of Arizona and Arizona's EHDI Program since 1998. Her role included the implementation of newborn hearing and early childhood screening programs with an emphasis on program quality, systems development and best practices. During that time she served on NCHAM’s Technical Assistance Network, assisting states in Region X. Randi maintains her role as lead audiologist on the Newborn Hearing Screening Training Curriculum (NHSTC) project and has co-authored several research articles involving newborn and early childhood screening. Randi holds doctorate of audiology, is state licensed in Arizona and a member of AAA, ASHA and the ArSHA. She also serves as director of the Arizona Special Olympics Healthy Hearing Program.


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