2022 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Virtual Conference

March 13 - 15, 2022


6/24/2020  |   8:40 AM - 9:40 AM   |  SPICE Up Your Class with Agriculture   |  Flagstaff

SPICE Up Your Class with Agriculture

Learn how exploring the diverse world of spices that surround us can add pizzazz to your classes by using materials that students are familiar with while increasing their interest in learning. Techniques will be demonstrated to help teach multicultural studies, art, history, science, and careers while allowing us to connect children to agriculture by showing teachers how to incorporate a variety of simple hands-on learning activities using readily available materials into the various subjects they teach. These hands-on activities help to expand problem solving, enhance observation, and stimulate student interest. Literature and resource information will be provided.

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Mary Beth Bennett (), WVU Berkeley Co. Ext, MBBennett@mail.wvu.edu;
Mary Beth Bennett currently works as county Agriculture and Natural Resource Extension Agent in West Virginia and helps with the county 4-H program in Livestock and agricultural project areas and teaches at 4-H camp. A county agent for the last 25 years, I spent my life living and working in agriculture. I was a Peace Corps volunteer in Brazil for 2 years and worked with U.S.A.I.D. as an Agricultural Project Officer in Rwanda and Cape Verde Africa for 4 years. I have an A.A. in Agricultural Business and a, B.S. M.S. and Ph. D. in Agriculture and Extension Education, minor in International Agriculture and Education, Theory and Policy. In my free time I love to garden, work on all kinds of crafts, especially yarn related ones, and play with my pets.


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