2022 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Virtual Conference

March 13 - 15, 2022


6/21/2017  |   3:15 PM - 4:00 PM   |  "I’m Not Broken! I Do School Differently!" Implementing an Equity-Driven MTSS Model   |  Battle Creek

"I’m Not Broken! I Do School Differently!" Implementing an Equity-Driven MTSS Model

The workshop asserts, the cultural attributes of students that are culturally different from the dominate culture, may experience conflict with the symbiotic relationship of academic and behavior in schools. The workshop will identify possible cultural incongruencies, which may impede school success for students of color. Behaviorists, PBIS Teams and General Ed teachers, will analyze and apply four key preventive schoolwide and classroom strategies (consciousness, congruency, culture and caring), which will support your MTSS framework. The workshop will provide a cultural behavioral assessment tool, to determine a rating of the cultural knowledge and actions of your PBIS Team and General Ed teachers, which is essential to deepen the district and site’s tier I & II MTSS implementation.

  • Examine the impact of culture on learning and behavior of students of color and low income students. Participants will engage in small group discussion to analyze school culture that is/not congruent with students of color in Special Education.
  • Assess personal and MTSS teams’ cultural knowledge, skills and actions as proactive strategies to meeting the learning and behaviors needs of diverse students. Each participant will be administered a self-assessment tool to determine their personal and teams’ knowledge, skills and actions of cultural consciousness.
  • Apply culturally conscious learning and behavior strategies to increase learning and decrease classroom conflicts with student of color. Through experiential learning activities in the skill building session, the participants will use the taught strategies to discuss on-site implementation.

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CART transcripts are NOT YET available, but will be posted shortly after the conference


Edwin Javius (), EDEquity, Inc. , javius@edequity.com;
As the Founder/President/CEO of EDEquity Inc., an educational consultant firm, he has led his company to be one of the most sought-after educational consultant firms in the country. The company’s Culturally Conscious Behavioral and Learning tools has provided essential data to support site administrators and teachers clear approach to analyze how culture can be used as preventive strategies for student from diverse cultures. Mr. has provided school districts and schools professional development and strategies in the successful implementation of culturally conscious strategies to decrease disproportionality in discipline for students of color. Mr. Javius has garnered several awards such as California’s first statewide School Administrator Valuing Diversity Award recipients (ACSA), NAACP’s Silicon Valley’s Educator of the Year Award and Association of African American Educators Professional Development Statewide Leadership Recognition.


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