2022 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Virtual Conference

March 13 - 15, 2022


6/18/2018  |   10:00 AM - 11:15 AM   |  Leveraging Learning Opportunities by Maximizing the B Variable: Implementing High Effect-size Practices to Increase Student Outcomes   |  Hobble Creek

Leveraging Learning Opportunities by Maximizing the B Variable: Implementing High Effect-size Practices to Increase Student Outcomes

In this application-focused session, attendees will examine practices that they use in their schools and classrooms and compare them to practices that tend to produce large effects on student learning. Attendees will learn about current research on the variables that affect student learning and how to leverage their impact as educators to facilitate growth. Further, educators will examine their practices and leave with an action plan for implementing and measuring the impact of a highly effective practice.

  • Define the components of the “probability equation” and draw conclusions about the effect of the “B” variable.
  • Identify practices that are likely to enable the largest effect size on student learning.
  • Examine practices currently employed in your classroom and identify one practice to implement to increase the probability of the desired student outcomes.

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CART transcripts are NOT YET available, but will be posted shortly after the conference


Rebecca Peterson (), Utah State Board of Education, rebecca.peterson@schools.utah.gov;
Rebecca Peterson, M. Ed., is an education specialist and project coordinator with the Utah State Board of Education (USBE). She is a coach for LEAs who are implementing a mult-tiered system of supports and is a specialist within the Special Education Section. Rebecca's prior experience includes working as a special educator, high school AP and IB biology teacher, science department chair, teacher mentor, MTSS coordinator, PLC director, and school principal. Rebecca's research interests include effective organizations, effective instruction, supporting students with disabilities in advanced classes, effective collaboration and teacher efficacy.


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