2022 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Virtual Conference

March 13 - 15, 2022


4/16/2013  |   9:40 AM - 10:40 AM   |  From Knowing to Doing: Unleashing the Power of Role Play   |  Aurora A/B   |  8

From Knowing to Doing: Unleashing the Power of Role Play

Learning has not taken place until behavior has changed. It’s not what you know, but what you do with what you know that counts. That’s why skill practice is so important in training sessions if we want people to do things differently. (Pike, 2002 p.6) When executed properly, the use of role play in the ongoing training of the EDHI workforce can be an energizing and versatile tool that results in powerful outcomes for the retention and application of best practices in Early Intervention services. Assuming roles and simulating exchanges assists in transforming knowledge into skills in any one of a number of real-life scenarios: training screeners to communicate a sense of urgency to parents after a “refer” result before leaving the hospital, preparing for a “crucial conversation” with UNHS stakeholders, leading an effective team meeting, or creating engaging professional learning opportunities for early interventionists. This high impact presentation will outline 6 essential steps for planning and implementing effective role play activities. This comprehensive learning activity will comprise three component parts: first, participants will build knowledge by viewing video examples of each of the elements of role play as essential steps are shared. Second, attendees will observe and debrief one “live” role play activity in which steps from “Defining Objectives” to “Concluding Discussion” will be systematically elaborated upon. Finally, in small job-alike groups, participants will have the opportunity to apply new information about role play in the design of an authentic activity that would assist in fully engaging their “learners” back in the home workplace. In so doing, they will increase the possibility of having more successful strategic conversations and providing higher impact professional training so that the ultimate goal of improving opportunities for young children with hearing loss and their families have a greater chance of becoming a reality.

  • Compare and contrast traditional professional development lecture formats with engaging role play activities
  • Outline the six components of well designed and effective role play activities
  • Create a plan for utilizing role play to meet work force needs back home

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Mary Ellen Nevins (POC,Co-Presenter), Consultant, maryellen.nevins@gmail.com;
Mary Ellen Nevins, Ed.D., is an experienced educator of children who are deaf or hard of hearing. A professional learning specialist, her attention to, and publications regarding professional learning for hearing and speech professionals, complement her longstanding work with children using hearing technologies to listen, think, talk and read. Nevins is recognized as a national expert on educational issues associated with children who are deaf or hard of hearing and the needs of the professionals with whom they work.


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Kathleen Sussman (Co-Presenter,Author), The Weingarten Children's Center, kathysussman@gmail.com;
Kathy Sussman is the Executive Director of the Foundation for Hearing Research in California that operates the The Weingarten Children's Center and The CCHAT Center. She serves as faculty for San Jose State University Specialty Track in Speech Pathology. Ms Sussman is a Past President of the AG Bell Association.


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Teresa Caraway (Co-Presenter,Author), Hearing First, tcaraway@hearingfirst.org;
Dr. Teresa Caraway, CEO Hearing First, an educational endeavor of the Oberkotter Foundation, is leading the effort to improve outcomes for children and their families through family and professional support and learning. She is the Founder and President of Learning Innovation Associates, and the Founder of Hearts for Hearing. A Certified Auditory-Verbal Therapist, Dr. Caraway served as the founding President of the AG Bell Academy for Listening and Spoken Language and as a founding board member of the American Cochlear Implant Alliance. She has previously served as a Director of the Alexander Graham Bell Association for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing, AG Bell Academy for Listening and Spoken Language, and Auditory-Verbal International. She has been recognized by her peers for outstanding clinical skills. A former Adjunct Assistant Professor at the University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center, Dr. Caraway is an international consultant and skillful workshop presenter on teaching spoken language through listening.


Financial -
• Receives Salary for Employment from Hearing First.

Nonfinancial -
• Has a Professional (Certified LSLS Cert. AVT ) (Founding President ) relationship for Other volunteer activities.
• Has a Professional (Founding Board Member; Member) relationship for Other volunteer activities.
• Has a Professional (Certified SLP; Member) relationship for Other volunteer activities.