2022 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Virtual Conference
March 13 - 15, 2022
9/26/2018 | 4:15 PM - 4:30 PM | Using an Individual-Based Model to Assess Monitoring for Lesser Prairie-Chicken Population Growth Rates | Eccles Conference Center Auditorium
Using an Individual-Based Model to Assess Monitoring for Lesser Prairie-Chicken Population Growth Rates
There are typically two approaches used to estimate population trajectory using population growth rates. The first option compares changes in abundance while the second uses vital rates to predict population abundance in the subsequent year. Each of these options may properly represent the population dynamics of the system if model assumptions are met. If assumptions are violated, it is usually because some demographic process has not been accurately captured in the estimation. To determine which, if any, assumptions are violated when monitoring lesser prairie-chicken populations, we developed “virtual ecologist” approach based on an individual-based model. We used data from literature to simulate a decreasing population based on vital rate information (e.g., adult survival, nest success). We simultaneously used the simulation to generate the population of males attending leks and estimated population growth rates based on abundance at leks. Our results indicate that a stable population can be observed using lek counts while the population growth rate based on female abundance is decreasing. Additionally, the detection probability during lek counts had the greatest effect on population growth rate variability. Monitoring for lesser prairie-chickens may be biased if vital rates are not simultaneously quantified.
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Beth Ross
(), U.S. Geological Survey, bross5@clemson.edu;
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Daniel Sullins
(), Kansas State University, sullins@ksu.edu;
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David Haukos
(), dhaukos@ksu.edu;
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