2022 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Virtual Conference

March 13 - 15, 2022


4/15/2014  |   1:45 PM - 2:15 PM   |  Newborn Hearing Screening in Island Nations: Good News – and Not Just for Babies!   |  Grand Ballroom 6   |  1

Newborn Hearing Screening in Island Nations: Good News – and Not Just for Babies!

Research shows that populations in developing countries often have a disproportionately higher prevalence of hearing and speech-language disorders than populations in developed countries. Further, data show that people living in the Pacific Island nations that are politically connected with the United States have the highest known rates of chronic middle ear disease. These nations lie in an expanse of ocean larger than the continental U.S. Consisting of thousands of tiny islands with small populations, they are without a single local ENT specialist or audiologist. Diagnostic and intervention services for hearing health are not available to these people with high need. Demands on health care systems in these nations put services for communication disorders at low priority. Provision of primary health care is further challenged by chronic and endemic diseases, high rates of teen pregnancy, and low rates of immunization. Widespread poverty, inadequate island infrastructure, and vast geographical distances between islands confront efforts to develop needed medical and therapeutic services. The good news is that, because of U.S. national interest and legislation for identifying deaf babies at birth, federal funds have become available for newborn hearing screening programs in these small nations. Moreover, after services are provided to babies identified by the programs, screening programs, diagnostic services, and visiting specialists also provide access to hearing health for older children and adults. In addition, the newborn hearing screening program is utilized as a venue for raising awareness of the importance of good hearing among the local population and policymakers. Thus, newborn hearing screening is “good news” and not just for babies! This presentation describes how newborn hearing screening in these Pacific nations provides a pathway of social justice to global hearing health for the many born before newborn hearing screening began. The presentation will discuss opportunities for creating sustainability.

  • understand challenges and benefits of providing audiological services in remote locations.

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Wendy Switalski (Primary Presenter,Author), Center on Disability Studies, wendy@audiologysystems.com;
For the past nine years, Dr. Switalski has provided dedicated pediatric audiological services to the children and people of American Samoa. With a long history as a private practice audiologist and a more recent history of industrial audiology, she has maintained a fierce dedication to serving the underserved - whether in American Samoa or the West Bank. Her humanitarian audiological contributions have been robust!


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