2022 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Virtual Conference
March 13 - 15, 2022
5/25/2021 | 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM | Refining global spatial conservation planning considering environmental uniqueness, connectivity, and biodiversity of freshwater habitats | Virtual Platform
Refining global spatial conservation planning considering environmental uniqueness, connectivity, and biodiversity of freshwater habitats
Global freshwater biodiversity is in a constant decline and more efficient protection schemes are needed. To date, however, existing protected areas are rarely tailored towards freshwater biodiversity and habitats since they do not account for freshwater species or longitudinal connectivity along hydrographical networks. In addition, coarse spatial data resolution and related data uncertainties further limit systematic spatial conservation planning. This study addresses these limitations and aims to identify freshwater regions that are potentially deemed irreplaceable regarding their environmental uniqueness, connectivity, and their importance for freshwater biodiversity. We first delineate sub-catchments of individual stream reaches at a spatial resolution of ~90m globally. To identify environmentally unique freshwater habitats, we aggregate environmental catchment characteristics and human stressors, and employ a k-means cluster analysis. In addition, we determine the relative importance of stream reaches regarding the river network connectivity using betweenness centrality indices and patch-based graphs. The resulting clustered sub-catchments and connectivity indices are then combined with Species Distribution Models (SDMs) of aquatic insects and implemented in integer linear programming (ILP) solvers to identify potential areas for protection. The talk will outline the overall project and present first results of the cluster analysis.
- Biodiversity
- Habitat
- Connectivity
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Maria Magdalena Üblacker
(), Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, maria.ueblacker@igb-berlin.de;
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Jaime García-Márquez
(), Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries , marquez@igb-berlin.de;
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Sami Domisch
(), Leibniz Institute of Freshwater Ecology and Inland Fisheries, domisch@igb-berlin.de;
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