2022 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Virtual Conference

March 13 - 15, 2022


6/28/2018  |   2:00 PM - 3:00 PM   |  Fun with Plants!   |  Somerset

Fun with Plants!

Even if you don't have a green thumb, come experience lessons that integrate plants into core and elective subjects from elementary school through high school. All lessons are hands-on, fun, and can be done on a shoestring budget! Leave with finished products, ideas, and a resource list of ways to integrate plant science into your classroom curricula. Fast lessons, semester-long projects, indoors or outdoors, with or without a garden, we'll cover ways to make sure plants get the attention they deserve!

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Shelley Mitchell (), OSU Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture, shelley.mitchell@okstate.edu;
Shelley Mitchell has nine years of experience teaching high school science, and 12 years of experience in Extension, specializing in youth horticulture. With degrees in Biology, Animal Science, Environmental Science, and Health, she shows how to integrate concepts into curricula using themes, primarily agriculture. A firm believer in active learning, Shelley's methods of teaching incorporate hands-on, experiential lessons to engage learners of all types. She specializes in finding fun activities with and about plants that demonstrate concepts in all core and elective subjects, can be implemented by people with little knowledge of plants, and can be done for little to no cost. She has presented at local, state, regional and national conferences, and is the recipient of the American Horticulture Society's Jane L. Taylor Award for inspiring future horticulturists through her efforts in youth gardening. Her hobbies include horseback riding, geocaching, and taking nature walks.


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