2022 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Virtual Conference
March 13 - 15, 2022
6/05/2017 | 10:00 AM - 10:15 AM | From farms to fish pee: Agricultural growth alters the stoichiometry of nutrient recycling by a desert fish | 306B
From farms to fish pee: Agricultural growth alters the stoichiometry of nutrient recycling by a desert fish
Consumer-driven nutrient recycling can have substantial effects on primary production and nutrient limitation in aquatic ecosystems by altering the relative supplies of the nutrients nitrogen and phosphorus. We examined intraspecific variation in nutrient recycling by the fish Gambusia marshi over a gradient in spring discharge in the Cuatro CiƩnegas basin in Coahuila, Mexico. Groundwater-fed habitats are warmer and host higher piscivore biomass than runoff-dominated sites. Female fish in groundwater-fed sites had lower body %C and higher body %P. These fish excreted N at a lower rate and P at a higher rate, leading to a lower N:P ratio. Experimentally, developmental temperature did not explain variation in excretion N:P when fish were fed ad libitum. However, experimentally restricting diet ration led to reduced rates of P excretion and a higher excretion N:P ratio. Reduced consumption under reduced predation pressure had stronger consequences for P retention and excretion among populations than did variation in body stoichiometry. As growth of irrigated agriculture in the region causes spring flows to decline, these changes will alter nutrient storage and recycling by these fish.
- S10 Understanding and predicting the effects of climate change on lake and stream fishes
- C02 Fish and Other Aquatic Vertebrates
- S19 Elements and energy as fundamental currencies of nature: using ecological stoichiometry as a tool to advance the sustainability of freshwater ecosystems
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Eric Moody
(), Iowa State University, erickmoody@gmail.com;
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Jessica Corman
(), University of Nebraska-Lincoln, jcorman3@unl.edu;
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Hector Espinosa-Perez
(), Universidad Autonoma de Mexico, hector@unam.mx;
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Jorge Ramos
(), Arizona State University, jramos10@asu.edu;
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John Sabo
(), Arizona State University, John.L.Sabo@asu.edu;
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James Elser
(), Arizona State University, j.elser@asu.edu;
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