2022 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Virtual Conference

March 13 - 15, 2022


10/27/2018  |   3:30 PM - 4:30 PM   |  Addressing the Challenges of Paediatric Hearing Aid Reviews in a Developing Country   |  Kramer Lecture Theater 2

Addressing the Challenges of Paediatric Hearing Aid Reviews in a Developing Country

Regular reviews for paediatric hearing aid users are vital, however this can be difficult for patients in developing countries. This study aimed to investigate what proportion of paediatric patients fitted with amplification at an audiology clinic in Malawi were under regular review. A retrospective audit and the review of appointments for 62 paediatric patients (aged <18) fitted with hearing aids at African Bible College (ABC) Hearing Clinic in Lilongwe, between October 2013 and December 2016. A programme of paediatric hearing aid reviews was undertaken from April to July 2017, then a re-audit of reviews in August 2017. 2/62 children had been seen for routine review by January 2017. The re-audit in August 2017 showed that 11/62 children had been reviewed, and none had functioning hearing aids. It was not possible to contact 36/62 patients; 8/62 agreed to attend a review and failed to do so, and 2/62 were unable to attend the clinic. 5/62 had a review appointment booked in the future. Following the reviews, 5/11 were fitted with replacement hearing aids, 2/11 were referred to schools for the Deaf, and 4/11 did not attend replacement hearing aid fitting appointments. ABC Hearing Clinic is a well-equipped audiology department with highly trained staff; all the patients were familiar with the services available, because they had been fitted there previously. Reasons for failure to return to the clinic for additional appointments could be: • ongoing reviews are not culturally expected once the ‘treatment’ (amplification) has been provided • costs (perceived and actual) • difficulty travelling to the clinic It is important that services providing amplification in developing countries address the issue of long-term follow-up. Families should be educated that follow-up is required for all hearing aid users. Service providers should have clear protocols for ensuring patients receive continuing care.

  • To be aware of the need for routine hearing aid reviews
  • To understand some of the challenges faced with providing follow-up in developing countries
  • To have some practical ideas as to how to address the challenges of follow-up care for hearing aid users in developing countries

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Miss H Brough (), African Bible College Hearing Clinic and Training Centre (ABC HCTC), Lilongwe, Malawi, helenbrough@africanbiblecolleges.net;
Helen trained as a clinical scientist in Audiology in Cambridge, England. She was clinical lead at ABC Hearing Clinic for 12 months in 2016-17, and continues to be a part-time lecturer at the college. She currently works in clinical practice in London.


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