MARCH 2-5, 2021

(Virtually the same conference, without elevators, airplane tickets, or hotel room keys)


3/09/2015  |   3:20 PM - 3:50 PM   |  The Impact of Prenatal Education on Newborn Screening on Parents Engagement with Newborn Screening Results   |  Caroll Ford   |  9

The Impact of Prenatal Education on Newborn Screening on Parents Engagement with Newborn Screening Results

A key component to reducing lost to follow-up rates is parents’ engagement in obtaining and understanding the results of newborn blood, hearing and heart screening. Typically, parents receive education from hospital nursery staff at the time that screenings are performed. Many factors during the early postpartum period (including recovery from delivery, adjustment to breastfeeding, sleep deprivation and the excitement and stress of becoming new parents) can make this a less than ideal time for parents to receive and absorb newborn screening education. Wisconsin Sound Beginnings has conducted a survey on parents' knowledge of newborn blood, hearing and heart screening and understanding of newborn screening results. WSB conducted the survey at the six-week postpartum visit in three practice settings: an urban OB practice, a rural family practice providing OB services and an out-of-hospital midwifery practice. The preliminary results give important insights on how the timing of education on newborn screening impacts parents understanding of and engagement with newborn screening results.

  • At the end of the session 75% of the participants will be able to identify two effects of prenatal education on parents' engagement with newborn screening results
  • At the end of this session 75% of participants will be able to identify at least one strategy for providing prenatal education on newborn screening to families

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Gretchen Spicer (Primary Presenter,POC), Wisconsin Sound Beginnings, gretchenspicer@gmail.com;
My name is Gretchen Spicer. I am a CPM LM and retired EMT-P. During my 14 years as an active CPM I attended about 700 deliveries, mainly for Amish and Mennonite families. I am passionate about social justice issues in midwifery and the need to diversify both the group of women that are served by CPMs and the midwifery workforce. I am currently employed by the Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene as the Out-of- Hospital Outreach Coordinator. In this position I work to make sure that all families choosing out-of-hospital delivery have access to affordable and culturally appropriate options for newborn blood, hearing and pulse oximetry screening. I live on a small farm in Southwestern Wisconsin where my husband and I raised our 7 children. We milk three cows and try to grow as much of our food as we can.


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