MARCH 2-5, 2021

(Virtually the same conference, without elevators, airplane tickets, or hotel room keys)


6/26/2020  |   9:00 AM - 9:20 AM   |  GLAMS DOWN I-35: Starting a Girls Agriculture/STEM Group in a Rural and Suburban Area   |  Flagstaff

GLAMS DOWN I-35: Starting a Girls Agriculture/STEM Group in a Rural and Suburban Area

Start your own GLAMS (Girls Learning Agriculture, Math & Science) group and show your female students that STEM and agriculture are fun and provide many opportunities. Participants will learn about resources, activities, and careers that get girls interested and excited in these areas. Come learn how GLAMS was started in a suburban and rural area, hear about exciting activities and resources, and even how to help get your club funded. Participants will leave with samples and a list of resources.

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Johnnie Keel (), Truman Elementary, jkeel@norman.k12.ok.us;
Truman Elementary/Norman Public Schools, jkeel@norman.k12.ok.us; Johnnie Keel is a graduate from the University of Oklahoma and has been a National Board Certified Teacher since 1999. She is the Gifted Resource Coordinator for third, fourth, and fifth graders at Truman Elementary in Norman, Oklahoma. Johnnie provides weekly enrichments for over 120 students, and teaches two advanced math classes.  She also provides school wide enrichments including an annual AG Day.  Johnnie is an out of the box thinker and an avid grant writer. She loves teaching her students AITC lessons and has presented at the State AITC conference for several years. Johnnie started the Junior Botball program at her school in 2015 and started GLAMS in 2018.  She was the 2018 Oklahoma Ag Teacher of the Year and was one of the 2019 recipients of the National Excellence in Teaching Agriculture Award.


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Christie Puckett (), Maysville Elementary, cpuckett@maysville.k12.ok.us;
Christie is a graduate from East Central University with a master degree in Education. She teaches 3-6 grade science at Maysville Elementary. She also serves as gifted and talented Coordinator for 3-6 grades. She is the robotics coach, Student Council sponsor and most recently started a GLAMS group. She also serves as K-12 yearbook advisor. She has taught for 36 years. During her career she has taught many grade levels and has always incorporated AITC lessons into her daily lessons. She was the 2019 Oklahoma Ag in the Classroom State Teacher of the year.


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