MARCH 2-5, 2021

(Virtually the same conference, without elevators, airplane tickets, or hotel room keys)


3/05/2019  |   1:45 PM - 2:10 PM   |  Engaging Latino DHH Parents   |  London

Engaging Latino DHH Parents

The participation of parents in their child's education and DHH community has positive impacts on a child's success, yet Latino parental participation is decreasing. Parents and professionals have different perceptions of what constitutes parent participation. Professionals often misread the reserve and non-involved Latino parents to be uncaring. In the Latino culture, professionals are highly respected and any interference from parents may be considered rude or disrespectful. Many times professionals overlook opportunities to get Latino parents involved. Communication is key to creating a welcoming environment for Latino DHH parents, especially parents who do not speak English. It is important for Latino parents to feel welcome and informed about the importance of their involvement, not only with education, but also within the DHH community. Join us and learn simple skills on how to promote Latino family involvement. Discover the simple steps to take as a professional to encourage Spanish-speaking families to attend meetings and family events.

  • Understand an overview of the Latino culture and family dynamics.
  • Recognize the importance on developing cross cultural competence
  • Discover techniques to improve Latino parent involvement.

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Yiesell Rayon (), Hands & Voices, yiesell@handsandvoices.org;
Yiesell's middle son, Markie was identified at birth with bilateral sensorineural hearing loss. After acquiring her B.A., Yiesell decided to focus on raising her Deaf son. She quickly discovered her passion for offering support and resources to other parents who have DHH children. She applies both her professional and personal experience as an advocate to empower parents to advocate for their own children. Yiesell is the Director of Latino Support for Hands & Voices Headquarters. Within her state chapter of California Hands & Voices, Yiesell is the LA County Representative. She sits on the EHDI planning committee as well as the NCHAM Parent Advisory Committee representing parents of children who are DHH. She is passionate about supporting parents, but also the professionals who serve them. To better serve and improve Latino family involvement, Yiesell believes there is a demand for heightening awareness of the Latino culture and family dynamics.


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