MARCH 2-5, 2021

(Virtually the same conference, without elevators, airplane tickets, or hotel room keys)


10/14/2017  |   11:15 AM - 12:15 PM   |  WHO Manuals for PEHC: collateral benefits   |  West Ballroom at Shalala Student Services Building

WHO Manuals for PEHC: collateral benefits

The manuals developed by the World Health Organization (WHO) and CBM, have proven to be an excellent resource for human resource training in the area of Primary Ear and Hearing Care (PEHC). It is known that the purpose of the three different levels of the manuals are: Primary Health Care (PHC), Community Outreach and CBR, Educational and Professional development and Public health in ear and hearing care programs. However, could their systematic, coordinated and planned use help achieve other goals? Advance planning and selection of the group to be trained will facilitate formation of networks, as well as interaction among people from different institutions, allowing them to present their programs, and scope of practice. Another aspect to consider is geographic programing of the courses; careful planning helps to focus on the regions where services are to be expanded. Over the course of the training, key individuals may be identified for the provision of our services or for their referral. In time, through well developed and planned courses, resulting collateral benefits may include visibility and credibility; these will encourage the creation of joint national projects or programs or simply joint inter-institutional work.

  • To share how a systematic use of this resource may bring benefits beyond training.
  • To promote the use of manuals for networking.
  • To see training as a means of making programs visible to others.

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Patricia Castellanos (), CBM, Pdemunoz@cedaf.com.gt;
Advisor for CBM in Audiology and Education of people who are Deaf and Hard of Hearing. Dr. Castellanos is the founder and medical director of CEDAF – Hearing centre, in Guatemala City. She is well-known throughout Latin America as a leading expert in audiology, with over 25 years of experience in diagnosing and treating hearing loss in various settings: hospitals, clinics, schools and philanthropic foundations, for patients of all ages from newborn to elderly.


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