MARCH 2-5, 2021

(Virtually the same conference, without elevators, airplane tickets, or hotel room keys)


10/24/2016  |   3:30 PM - 4:30 PM   |  The Value of Academic Partnerships to a Model of Global Hearing Healthcare   |  BGPOP Building 4A/B/C

The Value of Academic Partnerships to a Model of Global Hearing Healthcare

The WHO estimates that nearly 10% of the world's population has measurable hearing loss, and the Global Burden of Disease data suggest the need to raise awareness for the importance of hearing loss as an important health condition. The situation, however, is not homogenous across all countries and regions. This session details how the Starkey Hearing Foundation has developed a global model of community-based hearing healthcare, in collaboration with academic partnerships around the world, to assist with addressing region-specific education, training, research, and infrastructural needs. We also provide details regarding our partnership with US AuD programs that are focused on developing future audiologists who are interested in global hearing health. Included topics include these: 1) curriculum development, 2) development of the Starkey Global Hearing Index, and 3) desired pre-requisites prior for optimization of student participation and outcomes. Audience participation is encouraged.

  • Attendees will learn about the WFA Model of CBHH
  • Participants will be able to identify the critical elements of academic/foundation partnerships
  • Participants will understand how the Starkey Global Hearing Index is being developed to provide a composite statistical measure of national performance of hearing health.

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Luqman Lawal (), Starkey Hearing Foundation/ University of Minnesota SPH, Luqman_Lawal@starkeyfoundation.org;
Luqman Lawal MD, MPH is a Public health Physician who serves as the Director of Global health and Research at the Starkey Hearing Foundation.


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Jeffery Larsen (), Utah State University , jeffery.larsen@usu.edu;
Jeff Larsen is a faculty member of the Department of Communicative Disorders and Deaf Education at Utah State University. He works in the adult audiology clinic, teaches courses, and conducts research. His primary interests are speech perception, classroom acoustics, humanitarian audiology, and vestibular outcomes in the case of mild traumatic brain injury.


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