MARCH 2-5, 2021

(Virtually the same conference, without elevators, airplane tickets, or hotel room keys)


4/14/2014  |   11:35 AM - 12:05 PM   |  Jump Start 21st Century Skill Development: Communication, Critical Thinking, Creativity and Collaboration in Early Intervention Services   |  St. Johns   |  4

Jump Start 21st Century Skill Development: Communication, Critical Thinking, Creativity and Collaboration in Early Intervention Services

The scope of practice for Early Interventionists encompasses the critical birth to three learning period with many important responsibilities for guiding child development and coaching and empowering parents during that time. With three short years to assist children who are deaf or hard of hearing in developing the communicative competence they need to enter school, our work has had a sense of urgency. However, as we have been reflecting upon and refining our own practices in Early Intervention, the larger education field has upped the ante as it has adapted to a changing global world. This creates an even greater need to expand the task before us: preparing very young children who are deaf or hard of hearing to become 21st Century Learners just like their typically developing peers. Thus, the work of Early Interventionists must entail experiences beyond communication development and general learning and include authentic and abundant opportunities to ignite critical thinking, engender creativity and foster collaboration. The thrust of this professional learning session is to demonstrate how the expertise of Early Interventionists in language acquisition (regardless of communication choice) can be leveraged for the development of critical thinking skills and creativity. With personal knowledge building in 21st Century Learning Skills as a backdrop, strategies for coaching parents in the task of developing critical thinking and encouraging creativity within the language acquisition process will be offered. Video examples of interventionist-parent coaching sessions will ensure the practicality of this presentation. Interactive learning experiences will provide an opportunity to explore engaging cognitive strategies to ensure knowledge implementation back in the home workplace.

  • Describe the 21st Century Learning Initiative and identify the specific skills targeted for learners
  • Redesign traditional language acquisition activities into parent-led critical thinking experiences
  • Utilize a cognitive checklist of critical questions to drive planning for intervention with parents of very young children

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Mary Ellen Nevins (Primary Presenter), Consultant, maryellen.nevins@gmail.com;
Mary Ellen Nevins, Ed.D., is an experienced educator of children who are deaf or hard of hearing. A professional learning specialist, her attention to, and publications regarding professional learning for hearing and speech professionals, complement her longstanding work with children using hearing technologies to listen, think, talk and read. Nevins is recognized as a national expert on educational issues associated with children who are deaf or hard of hearing and the needs of the professionals with whom they work.


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Kathleen Sussman (Co-Presenter), The Weingarten Children's Center, kathysussman@gmail.com;
Kathy Sussman is the Executive Director of the Foundation for Hearing Research in California that operates the The Weingarten Children's Center and The CCHAT Center. She serves as faculty for San Jose State University Specialty Track in Speech Pathology. Ms Sussman is a Past President of the AG Bell Association.


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