MARCH 2-5, 2021

(Virtually the same conference, without elevators, airplane tickets, or hotel room keys)


9/09/2020  |   1:00 PM - 2:30 PM   |  Addressing Women's Use of Violence in a CCR   |  E

Addressing Women's Use of Violence in a CCR

Battered women often get portrayed as meek and feeble in the media and by the general public. The reality is that most battered women fight back at some point in their relationship. Some battered women fight back every time. Others fight back on occasion. As outside interveners, understanding the context and intent of violence that occurs in adult intimate partner relationships matters. The battered women’s movement was developed in the 1970s out of the necessity that too many women were being battered and killed by their intimate partners. Over the last fifty years the types of domestic violence cases that have entered the criminal justice system are still mostly cases of men battering women. However, an increasing number of criminal justice cases also include defendants who have been battered by their partners. This session seeks to provide practical information, legal theory and examples of policies and practices for cases in which the defendant is also battered. This session will also cover the core philosophy and approach of "Turning Points: A Non-Violence Curriculum for Women", a curriculum designed specifically for women charged with and convicted of domestic violence.

  • To enhance the understanding of the actions, intent, beliefs and effect of women's use of intimate partner violence.
  • To distinguish between three types of intimate partner violence.
  • To assist Coordinated Community Response (CCR) in the development of a systemic response to women's use of violence

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Melissa Scaia (), Global Rights for Women / Domestic Violence Turning Points, melissascaia@icloud.com;
Melissa is currently the Director of International Training at Global Rights for Women. She has a wealth of experience as the recent former executive director of Domestic Abuse Intervention Programs (DAIP), also known as “the Duluth Model.” Prior to working in Duluth as the executive director and a trainer on “the Duluth Model” for many years, she was the executive director of Advocates for Family Peace (AFFP) where she worked for 17 years. AFFP is a local multi-county domestic violence program that provides advocacy, emergency shelter, transitional housing, batterers intervention program (BIP), and supervised visitation program. She has also organized and lead two Coordinated Community Response(CCR) programs to address domestic violence. Melissa has co-facilitated groups for men who batter and women who use violence in Duluth, St. Louis County, and Itasca County, Minnesota.


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