MARCH 2-5, 2021

(Virtually the same conference, without elevators, airplane tickets, or hotel room keys)


4/16/2013  |   9:40 AM - 10:40 AM   |  Deaf Role Models: Completing the Family Support Puzzle!   |  Cira B   |  4

Deaf Role Models: Completing the Family Support Puzzle!

Deaf adults are in the unique position of being able to assuage parents’ fears and concerns by sharing, advising, and modeling their experiences. The mentor helps families to love and celebrate who their child is and to not focus on his/her inability to hear, but his/her ability to do so much more! One of the many perks of having a Deaf Role Model is learning American Sign Language (ASL) in a way custom-designed especially for each family! Some parents have found that learning ASL can be a daunting task. They may become overwhelmed just thinking about the acquisition of a new language and the process of incorporating it into their daily routines. Rather than learning ASL in a structured classroom setting geared for persons who want to learn a language, parents are able to learn functional ASL through learning how to sign stories. Another approach is for the deaf role model to become involved in family routines such as dinnertime, outdoor play, team sports, and/or community events. Learning ASL in the home/neighborhood environment this way then becomes a process that is enjoyable for any member of the family. There is documented research that shows linking book stories and everyday routines with English and ASL provides for a successful shared literacy experience. This workshop introduces you to the concepts and benefits of having a Deaf role model as a part of your family service plan. This workshop will also outline several strategies that members of the interdisciplinary team can utilize in incorporating deaf adults during home visits with families. Video samples of home visits, parent testimonies, and community activities will be shared.

  • how to identify the benefits of a Deaf Role Model being a part of the interdisciplinary early intervention team
  • how to incorporate ideas from the presentation in home visits
  • describe the logistics involved in setting up a Deaf Role Model Program

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CART transcripts are NOT YET available, but will be posted shortly after the conference


Madelyn Warnock (POC,Primary Presenter,Author), Outreach Services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children, madelynwarnock@yahoo.com;
Deaf herself, Madelyn is an Early Intervention Specialist with Outreach Services for Deaf and Hard of Hearing Children in Indianapolis, Indiana. Her roles include co-facilitating local and regional playgroups statewide, home-based family education services, and Deaf Mentoring. She is currently working on her Master's degree in Early Childhood Education from Indiana University. A southern girl, Madelyn is married to a Deaf Hoosier and they enjoy boating and spending time with their family and furbabies.


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