MARCH 2-5, 2021

(Virtually the same conference, without elevators, airplane tickets, or hotel room keys)


9/25/2017  |   9:00 AM - 10:30 AM   |  Tools for Acquiring Highly Maintainable Software-Intensive Systems   |  Track 1 - Cyber Security

Tools for Acquiring Highly Maintainable Software-Intensive Systems

For tightly-budgeted software system acquisitions, the major incentive is to keep within the acquisition budget, often missing opportunities to develop more maintainable systems and reduce total ownership costs. A major DoD Systems Engineering Research Center research project on System Qualities Tradespace and Affordability has identified and developed three sources of Maintainability-enhancement tools to enable systems to be not only more Affordable in terms of total ownership costs, but also more Changeable and Dependable. Maintainability supports Changeability in terms of rapid adaptability to new opportunities and threats, and also supports Dependability in terms of Availability, in that reducing Mean Time to Repair (MTTR) for a system with a given Reliability in terms of Mean Time Between Failures (MTBF) improves Availability via the equation Availability = MTBF / (MTBF+MTTR). The three sources of improved Maintainability tools include two Opportunity Trees for identifying strategies for improving a system’s Modifiability for enhancing the system’s capabilities, and strategies for improving the system’s Repairability for cost-effectively repairing its defects. Another source for software is a set of data analytics tools for identifying shortfalls in the software’s Maintainability. A third, more management-oriented tool is a Systems/Software Maintenance Readiness Framework (SMRF) for evaluating and improving a project’s Maintainability planning, staffing, and preparation of technology for cost-effective maintenance. The presentation will summarize the nature, usage, and effects of these tools, including automated and human procedures for evaluating a software system’s Maintainability and technical debt.

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Barry Boehm (), USC, boehm@usc.edu;
Dr. Barry Boehm is the TRW Professor in the USC Computer Sciences, Industrial and Systems Engineering, and Astronautics Departments. He is also the Director of Research of the DoD-Stevens-USC Systems Engineering Research Center, and the founding Director of the USC Center for Systems and Software Engineering. He was director of DARPA-ISTO 1989-92, at TRW 1973-89, at Rand Corporation 1959-73, and at General Dynamics 1955-59. His contributions include the COCOMO family of cost models and the Spiral family of process models. He is a Fellow of the primary professional societies in computing (ACM), aerospace (AIAA), electronics (IEEE), and systems engineering (INCOSE), and a member of the U.S. National Academy of Engineering.


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