2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH


4/16/2013  |   9:40 AM - 10:40 AM   |  EHDI-PALS is live   |  Cascade F   |  1

EHDI-PALS is live

EHDI-PALS.org (ehdipals.org) is live. We would like to share with you this invaluable tool. We will demonstrate how the search engine works in the following ways: For audiologists- how audiologists can provide, maintain and update their facility profile for display. How the alert system is structured to remind them to review their service profile annually. We will emphasize that if no review is done, the facility will not be displayed. For parents- how parent can input their child’s age, type of service needed, and residence zip code. These 3 answers are used to filter the facility database for the best matches. We will demonstrate with hypothetical examples such as a 6-month-old needing hearing test. During the demonstration, features such as ‘last updated’, ‘useful links’, ’Questions you may want to ask’ and how to contact EHDI program will be pointed out. For the EHDI coordinators- we shall discuss downloading facility information, printing a facility’s reporting behavioral profile and where to locate e-mail template. Future enhancements such as creating a map that displays facilities across 2 contiguous states or socio-economic distribution will be discussed and audience’s ideas and suggestions will be welcomed. Announcements and activity on EHDI-PALS that have taken place are: joint ASHA & AAA announcement, presentations done and a regional EHDI-PALS call to action. Dissemination plan for 2013 is currently underway.

  • 1. What EHDI coordinators will find helpful using EHDI-PALS?
  • 2. What parents will find helpful when using EHDI-PALS?
  • 3. Attendees will be able to describe EHDI-PALS intended audiences and its functionality in relation to meeting EHDI 1-3-6 goals.

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CART transcripts are NOT YET available, but will be posted shortly after the conference


Winnie Chung (POC,Co-Presenter,Author), Centers for Disease Control & Prevention, wchung@cdc.gov;
Winnie Chung, Au.D, a Health Scientist with CDC, is the subject matter expert with the Early Hearing Detection & Intervention (EHDI) team. Winnie Chung has been an audiology provider in various clinical setting from 1990 to 2009. She began her involvement in EHDI in 2001 providing outpatient hearing screening and diagnostic for newborns at Kaiser Permanente San Francisco and Oakland. From 2004 to 2009, besides coordinating Rhode Island state newborn hearing screening program, she also provided audiological services in the tertiary neonatal intensive care unit and managed the audiology outpatient clinic at Woman & Infants' Hospital. She joined CDC as a health scientist in April of 2009 providing technical assistance to state EHDI programs and investigating public health related issues for the CDC-EHDI team.


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Craig Mason (Primary Presenter), University of Maine, Craig_Mason@umit.maine.edu;
Craig Mason is the associate professor at university of Maine, and he is a consultant of the EHDI team, Centers for Disease control and Prevention


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