2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH


3/20/2018  |   11:00 AM - 12:00 PM   |  EHDI & University Collaborations - Leveraging the Partnership to Enhance Program Implementation and Outcomes   |  Capitol 2

EHDI & University Collaborations - Leveraging the Partnership to Enhance Program Implementation and Outcomes

EHDI Coordinators have numerous responsibilities and often function with only a small team to implement and run programs and to administer grants. The Kentucky EHDI program is one such state. To serve the children and families of Kentucky more effectively and efficiently, the EHDI program has collaborated with Dr. Liza Creel, an Assistant Professor at the University of Louisville’s School of Public Health and Information Sciences. Dr. Creel contacted the EHDI program early in her academic career, seeking to build on her prior work in newborn screening and health services research. Through this partnership, the University and the EHDI program have expanded capacity to leverage the strengths and resources of each to fulfill their separate but complementary objectives. This EHDI–University partnership benefits the EHDI program in several ways. The University partner offers expertise in data analysis and interpretation, stakeholder survey design and implementation, and in program evaluation, while also supporting quality improvement initiatives. Because of this partnership, the EHDI program has relevant data on which to base policy and program decisions, important stakeholder feedback regarding program function and content and evaluation data supporting quality improvement projects. The EHDI-University collaboration also benefits the university partner through establishment of community and state government partnerships, while offering academicians an avenue for expanded academic productivity to impact the public health and health care delivery systems. This presentation will illustrate how other EHDI coordinators can replicate the collaboration in their own states by demonstrating the value of the collaboration to both the state EHDI program and the university partner and will outline possible areas of collaboration that can improve a state EHDI program. Finally, the presentation will include a description of challenges to establishing EDHI-University partnerships and suggestions for overcoming those challenges.

  • Discuss ways in which collaboration is beneficial to the state EHDI program
  • Discuss ways in which the collaboration is beneficial to the university
  • Identify potential areas for collaboration between EHDI and universities

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Cathy Lester (), cathy.lester63@gmail.com;
Cathy graduated in 1985 with a BA in Biology. She taught high school biology and math for then moved to Child Welfare at Home of the Innocents for 6 years and then moved to DCBS in CPS Investigations. She worked in investigations, family court, adoptions, and with medically fragile foster children. She joined the EHDI program at the Commission for Children with Special Health Care Needs in September 2011. As the EHDI Health Program Administrator, she works within KY CHILD and CCSHCN’s database to ensure accuracy of data, assist families and providers with information and programming technical assistance. She has her Master’s degree in Social Work and 35 hours post Master’s work. She has also taught Research and Statistics at Kent School of Social Work and Social Work Practice at Spalding School of Social Work.


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Liza Creel (), University of Louisville School of Public Health and Information Sciences, liza.creel@louisville.edu;
Liza M. Creel is currently an Assistant Professor and Commonwealth Scholar in the Department of Health Management and Systems Sciences at the University of Louisville School of Public Health and Information Sciences. Her research is in the areas of delivery system transformation, maternal and child health, organizational collaboration within the health care system, and policy evaluation (including that related to implementation of the Affordable Care Act). Dr. Creel has worked extensively with the KY Early Hearing Detection and Intervention Program in 2016 under a Memorandum of Understanding outline her role in assisting the Program in data analytics and evaluation. She received her PhD in Health Services Research from the Texas A&M Health Science Center, School of Public Health; MPH in Health Policy from the University of Michigan, School of Public Health; and BS in Health Services Administration from the University of Texas, Southwestern School of Allied Health Sciences.


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Julie Jacobs (), University of Kentucky , julie.jacobs@uky.edu;
Julie Jacobs, MPH, is a research director at the University of Kentucky, where she has worked for the past 8 years with Dr. Christina Studts on grant-funded projects that focus on increasing access to evidence-based interventions to address the needs of underserved populations, particularly for children who are deaf or hard of hearing and their families. Ms. Jacobs earned her Master of Public Health degree at Saint Louis University in 2010, and she started her public health research career over 12 years ago at Washington University in St. Louis.


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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.