2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH


9/25/2018  |   2:30 PM - 3:00 PM   |  CMV Dads   |  Diamond Ballroom II

CMV Dads

Many of the most heavily involved in the CMV community are the mothers of children with CMV. However, fathers of children with CMV are also affected by this disease, but not as often heard from. The purpose of this panel will be to give a voice to CMV dads and how their lives and the lives of their families have been changed. Panelists will share their personal CMV story while talking about how it has affected them, their lives, and their family relationships. Audience members will be encouraged to ask questions of the panel to engage in a bigger discussion of CMV and the personal impact on the lives of those affected. Additionally, prior to the panel, survey answers will be collected to try and find some trends in gender roles of CMV families and how men deal with the stress of caring for a special needs child. This session is relevant for other families hoping to better understand how families cope with the challenges brought on by CMV. It will also allow those in the medical field to understand the value of research on a personal level and those who are affected by this virus.

  • Get a personal perspective of life as a father of CMV children from panel
  • Review results from CMV Dads Survey
  • Better understand how families cope with the challenges brought on by CMV.

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CART transcripts are NOT YET available, but will be posted shortly after the conference


Ethan LaPlante (), ethanlaplante@gmail.com;


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Joe Sweet (), josephesweet@yahoo.com;
Joe Sweet is a father of two children- Henry, 5, and Jane, 3 who was born deaf due to cCMV. With his wife, Laura, the Sweet family live just north of Portland, ME, in a town called Cumberland. Joe works as an Immigration Specialist for IDEXX, a veterinary diagnostic company and enjoys watching sports and live music, when not being a loving husband and father to his wife and children.


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Will Doutre (), TBD;


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Joey Steadman (), to be added later;


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