2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH


3/03/2021  |   1:20 PM - 2:05 PM   |  Beyond the Book –Virtual Family Book Club   |  Topical Breakout

Beyond the Book –Virtual Family Book Club

A panel presentation will share how COVID-19 prompted the development of a monthly virtual family book club. Families shared stressful experiences of being isolated in their homes with children birth to five identified with hearing loss. The Tennessee Schools for the Deaf statewide Birth to Five Language & Literacy Services brainstormed how to offer family support during the pandemic. Multiple 0 – 5 Language & Literacy virtual opportunities were offered to families to participate. The family book club was most attended. Goals for the gatherings included: connecting families, providing supportive networks, and strategies for successful interaction with their child. Books selected, Easy to Love, Hard to Discipline, by Becky A. Bailey, Ph.D., and The Silent Garden, by Paul Ogden and Dave Smith elicited enthusiastic discussions. Unique to the design of the book club: • Prior to the initiation of the book club families were surveyed about their primary interests and concerns in addition to their availability • Families received the books mailed to their home two weeks in advance of the first meeting • A reading guide was developed and included families interests and concerns identified on the survey • Two facilitators, hearing Teachers of the Deaf, supported the virtual meetings – technology and encouraging conversations • A third facilitator, deaf adult raised by a hearing family, provided perspective as well as answering questions • Interpreters for the Deaf were routinely provided This presentation will address planning, implementation, family perspectives, and family engagement for the monthly book club. Evidence will be shared from two family surveys related to how the family book club contributed to EHID programs being family friendly, provided them with strategies to be effectively engaged and build meaningful stakeholder partnerships in EHDI systems, and the implementation of effective parent support programs, parent education, including the impact of deafness or hearing loss on language and literacy development and social well-being.

  • Participants will identify strategies to design virtual book club programs for families with young children identified with hearing loss.
  • Participants will name criteria for qualified facilitators and experienced guest families to include in a virtual book club programs for families with young children identified with hearing loss.
  • Participants will recognize EHDI partnerships in their state to include in a virtual book club programs for families with young children identified with hearing loss.


Handout is not Available

CART transcripts are NOT YET available, but will be posted shortly after the conference


Tracy Duncan (), Statewide 0-5 Language & Literacy, TN Schools for the Deaf, t.duncan@tsdeaf.org;
Tracy Duncan, M.ED. & M.Ed. Statewide 0-5 Language & Literacy Coordinator; Educational Consultant Tracy Duncan, is serving as an Educational Consultant for the Middle & West regions of Tennessee. Previous professional employment beginning in 1970’s includes: Head Start – Child & Family Resource Program, social worker, preschool teacher, RID interpreter for the deaf, infant massage instructor, SKI*HI state & national trainer, home visitor for parent – infant home based programs for children identified with hearing concerns, TEIS Service Coordinator, classroom & itinerant teacher of the deaf for MNPS, and community planner. Tracy’s passions include collaborating with providers in order to address the needs of the child with hearing concerns within their family system by promoting language acquisition, social-emotional integrity, cognitive development, and the full realization of their self-esteem as a person.


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Alisa Weeks (), Tennessee Schools for the Deaf, a.weeks@tsdeaf.org;
Attended University of TN for her BS in Deaf Education. Taught at the Tennessee Schools for the Deaf in Knoxville in preschool and elementary for 15 years. Worked in Home Based Early Intervention for five years. Completed her SKI*HI Parent Advisor Training in 2003 and updated her National Parent Advisor Training in 2021. Since 2018 Alisa has been the 0-5 Language & Literacy representative covering all of East TN.


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Brenda Boaz-Pond (), brenda.boaz-pond@nashville.gov;


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Karrie Smith (), kdsmith14@gmail.com;


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