2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH


3/05/2012  |   11:05 AM - 12:05 PM   |  “What works for your child is what makes the choice right™”...but how do families know what’s working?   |  Illinois Central   |  6

“What works for your child is what makes the choice right™”...but how do families know what’s working?

The 2007 Joint Committee on Infant Hearing (JCIH) position statement includes recommendations about information provided to families: “Families should be made aware of all communication options and available hearing technologies (presented in an unbiased manner). Informed family choice and desired outcome guide the decision making process.” The process parents must go through in order to make decisions regarding communication options for their deaf or hard of hearing infant/toddler can be quite complex. Those decisions and choices may change naturally over time, for a variety of reasons. One important consideration for many families is whether the child is making age-appropriate progress with their language acquisition. How can parents determine whether the choices they have made are working for their child and family? This presentation will examine resource tools that can increase parent understanding and involvement as it relates to assessing their child’s progress with language acquisition. This information should be helpful to a wide range of educational and family support providers.

  • • Assist parents in identifying resources for evaluating language acquisition for children who are deaf/hard of hearing. • Explain to parents the requirement, under IDEA 2004, for IEP teams to consider the language and communication needs of students who are deaf/hard of hearing. • Utilize a communication plan to assist in identifying possible educational services and placements for a student who is deaf/hard of hearing.

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Lisa Crawford (Primary Presenter), Texas School for the Deaf, lisa.crawford@tsd.state.tx.us;
Lisa Crawford is the Statewide Parent Liaison in the outreach department of the Texas School for the Deaf. She has been providing resources, information and programs designed for families with children who are deaf or hard of hearing for over 8 years. She is also the administrator of the Texas Guide By Your Side program and a founding board member of Texas Hands & Voices. She and her husband Steve have two daughters, one who is hearing and one who is Deaf.


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