2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH


6/05/2017  |   9:30 AM - 9:45 AM   |  Ecological Realism of U.S. EPA Experimental Stream Facility Studies   |  305B

Ecological Realism of U.S. EPA Experimental Stream Facility Studies

The USEPA’s Experimental Stream Facility (ESF) conducts meso-scale ecotoxicology studies that account for both structural and functional responses of whole stream communities to contaminants or other stressors. The 16 mesocosms of ESF are indoors and consist of a tiled run section (0.152 m W x 4.268 m L x 0.105 m D) that widens to a gravel riffle section (0.305 m W x 4.268 m L x 0.19 m D). They are intermediate size among studies reporting stream mesocosm results. Their set-up is unique for their size, with a high degree of engineering controls for continuous flow-through dose-response designs, yet fixed, chronic exposures to contaminants under conditions that quantifiably mimic real stream riffle/run habitat with consistent upstream renewal. With fifty standard operating procedures serving ESF studies, the background and boundary condition information is collected to determine the realism critical to the field relevance of the results. Parallel ex situ and in situ single species exposure formats including fish survival and fecundity metrics are also included. With this framework studies at ESF provide scientifically defensible evaluation of proposed aquatic life criteria.

  • S03 Stressing the 'Eco' in Freshwater Ecotoxicology
  • C13 Ecotoxicology
  • S25 Do mesocosm experiments play a meaningful role in freshwater research

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Christopher Nietch (), U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, nietch.christopher@epa.gov;


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Donald Brown (), U.S. EPA, Office of Research and Development, brown.donald@epa.gov;


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Jim Lazorchak (), United States Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Research and Development, Center for Environmental Measurement and Modeling, Cincinnati, OH 45268, lazorchak.jim@epa.gov;


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