2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH


3/05/2019  |   3:45 PM - 4:10 PM   |  One Finger Points at You and Three Back at Me: Changing the dynamic from Negative to Positive   |  Paris

One Finger Points at You and Three Back at Me: Changing the dynamic from Negative to Positive

Often Intervention (the ā€œIā€ in EHDI), as delivered by many professionals, looks more like Interference, Involvement, Intrusion and Intercession. This session will give participants strategies to turn the ā€œIā€ into Improving, Increasing and Intensifying the skills parents need to raise a successful, happy, healthy child who is deaf or hard of hearing. Teachers and therapists have often been trained in specific skills to facilitate child development, but even well-trained professionals may not have the necessary skills to address varied family dynamics, the impact of poverty, adult learning processes, and/or the multiplicity of needs that exist within a family. This lack of skills and strategies to address these very real challenges can cause frustration and a misunderstanding of why the child is not progressing as well as anticipated. Parents and professionals alike want a child to grow and succeed, but identifying the obstacles to this occurring can sometimes be difficult. Only by honoring family goals, recognizing and respecting individual family dynamics and joining the family can we hope to empower caregivers to become advocates for their child fostering self-advocacy and helping each child to reach his full potential.

  • Participants will be able to identify the characteristics of child-centered services and of family-centered services and ways to bridge the gap between those two approaches
  • Participants will be able to better analyze and assess their own skill set (and approach with families) and identify the possible reasons for any disconnect between parent interaction, family follow-through, and achieving the identified goals
  • Participants will understand the benefit of creating joint agendas with families, honoring parent input.


Handout is not Available



Denise Davis-Pedrie (), Consultant, ddped@msn.com;
Denise Davis-Pedrie is a speech-language pathologist and teacher of the deaf with a specialist certification in Infant/Toddler Special Education. She served for more than twenty years as a Colorado Hearing Resource Coordinator with the Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind, supporting families with newly identified children, birth to three years of age. Additionally, Denise has more than 20 years of experience as a preschool teacher for children with hearing loss in an inclusive classroom. Denise is a member of the Board of Directors for Colorado Families for Hands and Voices.


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Dinah BEAMS (), Consultant, dbeams@comcast.net;
Dinah Beams is a consultant for early intervention with children who are deaf and hard of hearing. She served as the Program Coordinator for the Colorado Home Intervention Program with the Colorado School for the Deaf and the Blind (2010-2018). Responsibilities in this position included coordinating services; training providers; supervising providers statewide; curriculum and program development; serving on state and national committees, and system building. Additionally Dinah served as Lead Colorado Hearing Resource Coordinator for twenty years. Previous experience includes working as both a classroom and an itinerant teacher in Colorado. Dinah is the author of the CHIP Parent Manual and the Curriculum for Sign Language Instructors, a contributor to the SKI-HI Curriculum (2004), and a frequent presenter at regional and national workshops. She is on the board of Colorado Families for Hands & Voices.


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