2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference
March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH
5/25/2021 | 8:30 AM - 10:30 AM | Quantifying substrate disturbance in urban streams | Virtual Platform
Quantifying substrate disturbance in urban streams
Disturbances to the stream ecosystem may occur when the geologic, biologic, and anthropogenic materials that comprise urban stream substrates are eroded and transported by high flows. Studies that attempt to understand how disturbance and restoration of flow regimes on ecosystem health must also consider the physical habitat that is being disturbed. Understanding the geomorphic processes that lead to substrate movement and ultimately ecosystem impairment depends not only on the hydrology, but also the nature of the materials being considered.
Across a suite of urban streams in metropolitan Cleveland (Ohio), we are quantifying the movement of sediment, wood, and anthropogenic debris. Fine sediment and plastics are mobilized even in small storms, exhibit hysteresis within storms, and are mostly retained in association with large wood. Large storms that occur multiple times per year move coarse bed material, large wood, and heavier anthropogenic debris, but their supply is governed by catchment and riparian zone properties. Management of urban streams for ecosystem health requires making decisions based on understanding the linkages between the hydrologic and geomorphic processes that mediate substrate dynamics.
- Geomorphology
- Transport
- Organic matter
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Anne Jefferson
(), Kent State University, ajeffer9@kent.edu;
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Garrett Blauch
(), AECOM, garrettblauch@gmail.com;
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Andrew Blinn
(), Kent State University, ablinn2@kent.edu;
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Zia Ul Hassan
(), Kent State University, zhassan1@kent.edu;
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David Costello
(), Kent State University, dcostel3@kent.edu;
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