2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH


4/15/2014  |   10:10 AM - 10:40 AM   |  Listening and Spoken Language Meets ASL at the Corner of Language and Literacy   |  St. Johns   |  4

Listening and Spoken Language Meets ASL at the Corner of Language and Literacy

Washington State has created an innovative and holistic approach to providing services for Deaf and hard of hearing students across the state. The Center for Childhood Deafness and Hearing Loss provides support services, IFSP/IEP development, audiological evaluations, eligibility and re-evaluation services, and uses a coaching model to support staff who work directly with the Deaf and hard of hearing students throughout the state. This innovative program has brought together professionals from varying backgrounds and philosophical ideals and is a model program for how professionals from typically adversarial philosophical camps can work together for the benefit of the Deaf and hard of hearing student. In addition to information on how the program is run and supported, this presentation will also examine specific case studies of students to analyze the services determined as well as how specialists from different backgrounds came together to support student needs. For example, how the ASL-English Bilingual specialist, Auditory Verbal therapist and Teacher of the Deaf/Academic specialist worked together to support student and mainstream school personnel. We anticipate that this information will be helpful to states and programs that want to learn how to bridge the communication divide and work successfully with professionals who have different language/ communication philosophies.

  • Participants will be able to describe the benefit of a teaming approach to educating Deaf and hard of hearing students.
  • Participants will be able to identify three key components of the CDHL program and list those benefits.

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Amy Kyler (Primary Presenter,Co-Presenter), PPS, akyler@pps.net;
Amy Kyler is a Teacher of the Deaf and Auditory Verbal Therapist who spent the last 4 years working in Early Intervention at Listen and Talk in Seattle, Washington. In 2011 Amy began working with Listen and Talk and CDHL's partnership and Outreach program to support school age students throughout Washington state. Where she worked with Cathy and April. She moved back to her home town of Portland, OR in 2013, where she is now working for the largest school district in the state and Columbia Regional Program providing early intervention services for the Deaf and hard of hearing population.


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Cathy Corrado (Co-Presenter), CDHL, cathy.corrado@cdhl.wa.gov;
Cathy is a teacher of the Deaf with a emphasis in literacy development. She has been teaching for the last 28 years with the Tacoma Public Schools in a mainstream DHH program and in the last 3 years has been working with the Center for Childhood Deafness and Hearing loss. Cathy is an outreach consultant who provides academic and literacy support for Deaf and hard of hearing students throughout the state of Washington.


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April McArthur (Co-Presenter), Center for Childhood Deafness and Hearing Loss, april.mcarthur@cdhl.wa.gov;
April McArthur provides training and consultation to school district staff and administrators throughout Washington State as part of the CDHL Statewide Outreach Team, and at WSD. Her areas of expertise include language planning and implementation of ASL/English bilingual learning environments for students who are deaf and hard of hearing. She currently serves as the ASL English Bilingual Professional Development (AEBPD) coordinator for WSD. April received her Master’s Degree in Teaching and Learning: ASL and English Bilingual Education from the University of California, San Diego. Prior to becoming the Bilingual Director for CDHL, April worked as an ASL Specialist and Teacher of the Deaf. April has two children, both of whom are bilingual in ASL and English.


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