2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH


3/09/2020  |   2:00 PM - 2:30 PM   |  Efforts to improve timeliness of access to EHDI data by community partners   |  Chicago B

Efforts to improve timeliness of access to EHDI data by community partners

Rhode Island Early Hearing Detection and Intervention (EHDI) works closely with many community partners to ensure that infants are screened for hearing loss and receive recommended follow-up. Partners include primary care providers (PCP), WIC, Head Start, Early Intervention and Home Visitors. Access to EHDI data is provided through KIDSNET, Rhode Island’s integrated child health information system, where users can access screening and diagnostic results for individual infants, as well as run reports identifying those among their own patients/clients who need follow-up. Two projects were undertaken in 2019 to improve timeliness of access to EHDI data in KIDSNET, which could positively impact progress on better meeting the EHDI 1-3-6 goal. Projects include integrating the RIEHDI Information System (RIEHDI-IS) directly into KIDSNET and mapping the intended PCP provided at birth to KIDSNET PCP reports. Data comparing 2019 and first quarter 2020 births will be presented to describe the improvements in timeliness of EHDI data availability.

  • Participants will be able to describe how integration of EHDI-IS improves timely access to data by medical home
  • Participants will be able to describe how collecting PCP at birth and mapping it in EHDI-IS improves timeliness of access to PCP reports
  • Participants will be able to describe the value of integrating EHDI data with other childhood information

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Sara Franklin, Au.D, is the Program Coordinator for the Rhode Island Early Hearing Detection and Intervention program. Her duties include developing and managing the clinical components of the hospital and state-wide RI-EHDI program for infants. She interprets hearing screenings conducted throughout the state, provides patient referral sources and coordinates audiology networks. She oversees staff as well as technical staff at screening sites throughout the state of Rhode Island. She coordinates research activities and interfaces with statewide agencies such as Department of Health, Early Intervention, Newborn Screening Task Force, EHDI and Kidsnet. Prior to her position she was a clinical audiologist in the Department of Audiology at Memorial Hospital of Rhode Island supervising the hearing screening staff, diagnosing and managing hearing loss in the pediatric and geriatric populations .


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Richard Lupino (), DOH, Richard.Lupino@health.ri.gov;
Rich recieved an AS degrees from Community College of RI in Chemistry and an AS from New England Tech in Computer Science. He currently is the data manager for the Rhode Island EHDI data, as well as for other newborn and early childhood datasets.


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Mike Berry (), HLN Consulting, LLC, berrym@hln.com;
Mike Berry, of HLN Consulting, LLC, provides IT support to RIEHDI, including overseeing the integration of EHDI data with KIDSNET, RI's integrated child health information system.


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Ellen Amore (), RI Dept. of Health, ellen.amore@health.ri.gov;
Ellen Amore is currently the Manager of KIDSNET, Rhode Island’s Integrated Child Health Information System that contains preventive health care information for Rhode Island children. She is PI on the CDC EHDI Cooperative Agreement. Other programs at the Rhode Island Department of Health that she has managed include Newborn Hearing Screening, Newborn Bloodspot Screening, Newborn Developmental Risk Assessment and home visiting. Her education includes a BA in Human Biology, with a concentration in child development, from Stanford University, and an MS in Maternal and Child Health from the Harvard School of Public Health.


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No relevant financial relationship exist.

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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.

Liza Then (), RI DOH, liza.then@health.ri.gov;
Liza is currently the manager for the Newborn Hearing Screening program and is the EHDI coordinator for Rhode Island. Liza provides oversight for the project and coordinate with other relevant statewide efforts. She previously worked as a parent consultant, and a Community Liaison for RIDOH’s Women, Infant and Children (WIC) Program. Dr. Then is fluent in written and spoken Spanish.


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No relevant financial relationship exist.

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No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.

Betty Vohr (), Women & Infants Hospital, bvohr@wihri.org;
Betty Vohr, MD has been the director of Women & Infants Hospital’s Neonatal Follow-up Clinic since 1974 and medical director of the Rhode Island Early Hearing Detection and Intervention program since 1990. She has been the national coordinator of the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development Neonatal Research Network follow-up studies since 1990. Dr. Vohr’s primary clinical and research interests focus on improving the long-term outcomes of high-risk premature infants and infants with hearing loss. Dr. Vohr played an instrumental role in the development of the RI-EHDI (formerly RIHAP), which was established in 1990. Based at Women & Infants, RIHAP became the first public health program in the United States to achieve universal newborn hearing screening for all infants born in RI. She is a recipient of the Antonia Brancia Maxon award for EHDI Excellence, has served as a member of the Joint Committee on Infant Hearing.


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