2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH


3/04/2021  |   1:45 PM - 2:05 PM   |  Creating a hybrid preschool   |  Topical Breakout

Creating a hybrid preschool

Children with hearing loss benefit from interacting with their peers. At John Tracy Center we utilize an inclusion model in order for children to interact with other children similar to them who have hearing loss and use amplification, as well as with children who have typical hearing. We believe this inclusion model increases both social and language skills for all of our students. During Covid19, we have had to shift our delivery model, but have still found great success. We now offer a hybrid preschool model where children at home can livestream in and participate in group sessions and interact with the teachers and children. Our teachers are constantly evaluating where each child's current levels are, what their individual needs are, and how to best meet those needs, in the classroom and for those at home. Parent communication and connection is an important part of our program, which continues even though we do not have families coming into the center right now. Through daily check-ins, home packets, zoom parent classes, virtual support groups, parent-teacher conferences, and parent participation in virtual circletime, we are able to continue our mission of hope, guidance, and encouragement to families near and far. This session will include pictures to share the technology we are using, examples of packets we send home, parent interviews and parent class topics, and video clips of livestream instruction to demonstrate the interaction between our onsite children and our students joining virtually. Participants will also have a chance to ask questions and share what is working for them.

  • Identify the benefits of an inclusion preschool model for listening, social skills and language development
  • How to create a hybrid preschool classroom with children virtually interacting with children onsite
  • How to engage and support parents in person and virtually in their children's preschool curriculum

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Bridgette Klaus (), John Tracy Center, bklaus@jtc.org;
Bridgette is JTC’s Chief Programs Officer that manages the Educational Services, Counseling, Child Development, Worldwide Parent Education and Graduate Programs. Bridgette has experience teaching in the preschool classroom, working with students in the mainstream as an itinerant teacher, and providing private therapy as a Certified Auditory-Verbal Therapist. She has also taught graduate level classes, both onsite and online for our distance students. As the CPO, she is part of the Executive Team which drives the overall coordination of program services throughout the organization. Bridgette has over 25 years of experience working in Listening and Spoken Language Deaf Education, holds a California Credential as an Education Specialist: Deaf and Hard of Hearing and is a Listening Spoken Language Specialist Certified Auditory-Verbal Therapist.


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Liliana Santana (), John Tracy Center, lsantana@jtc.org;
Liliana has her master's degree and teaching credential in Deaf Education. She has experience working as an itinerant teacher, bilingual parent-infant teacher, and a preschool teacher. She is the lead preschool teacher for our auditory-oral inclusion preschool classroom.


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Marissa Simoni (), John Tracy Center, msimoni@jtc.org;
Marissa has her Master's Degree and her Deaf and Hard of Hearing Teaching Credential. She is a teacher in our auditory-oral inclusion preschool.


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Jamie Frost (), John Tracy Center, jfrost@jtc.org;
Jamie has her Master's Degree and her Deaf and Hard of Hearing Teaching Credential. She is a teacher in our auditory-oral inclusion preschool.


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