2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference
March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH
5/24/2021 | 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM | High-Frequency Concentration and Discharge Data Demonstrates How Stream-Lake Interactions Modulate Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics in an Arctic Headwater Stream | Virtual Platform
High-Frequency Concentration and Discharge Data Demonstrates How Stream-Lake Interactions Modulate Carbon and Nitrogen Dynamics in an Arctic Headwater Stream
In river networks where streams and lakes are hydrologically connected, the interaction of streams and lakes often influence the resulting biogeochemical signals of the river network. However, the influence of stream-lake interactions on biogeochemical fluxes in permafrost-dominated landscapes has not been studied extensively. This study uses novel high-frequency concentration and discharge data from the inflow and outflow of an Arctic lake on the North Slope of Alaska to explore if and how stream-lake interactions modulate riverine solute exports. The small (0.25km2) lake is located in the headwaters of a river network underlain by continuous permafrost. During the 2019 thaw season (June-August), in-situ sensors located at the inflow and outflow of the lake measured dissolved organic carbon (DOC), nitrate (NO3-), and discharge (Q) every 15 minutes. Concentration-discharge (CQ) analysis during five storm events show consistent NO3- dilution and DOC enrichment at the inflow site. In contrast, lake outflow data indicate that the lake controls CQ patterns, with NO3- enriching and DOC diluting during storms. These high-frequency CQ results suggest that stream-lake interactions modulate watershed solute export, which is an exciting and understudied aspect of Arctic ecosystems.
- Biogeochemistry
- Nutrient cycling
- Nutrients
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Emma Haines
(), Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Michigan State University, hainesem@msu.edu;
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Jay Zarnetske
(), Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Michigan State University, jpz@msu.edu;
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Arial Shogren
(), Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences, Michigan State University, shogrena@msu.edu;
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Frances Iannucci
(), University of Alaska Fairbanks, fiannucci@alaska.edu;
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William Breck Bowden
(), University of Vermont, breck.bowden@uvm.edu;
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Alexander Medvedeff
(), University of Vermont, Alexander.Medvedeff@uvm.edu;
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