2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH


3/10/2020  |   3:00 PM - 3:30 PM   |  Program Fundraising: Supporting the Ask with a Focus on Data-Driven Outcomes   |  Benton

Program Fundraising: Supporting the Ask with a Focus on Data-Driven Outcomes

Nonprofit organizations are forever asked, “What is the IMPACT of your program?” Many organizations can produce data that detail number of families and children served, but struggle to quantify program effect. This quantifiable tracking is not only needed to showcase successes to funders, to organizational partners, and to the families served but also to continue to develop and improve programming. This presentation will provide a case study of the experiences of a regional program, describing the organization’s journey as it worked to break through the minutia of simply reporting numbers and focus on its outcomes. The program discovered how to tell its story in a way that resonated with funders and those outside of the field, resulting in a thorough and clear outcome measurement process that was data-driven and ensured program development (without burdening busy staff). Results from this collaborative effort across fundraising and program departments will be shared.

  • Select program outcomes to communicate to funders, partners, and those outside the program
  • Create materials to support storytelling and the ask for support
  • Utilize funder-friendly language to boost engagement and enthusiasm for program mission


Handout is not Available

CART transcripts are NOT YET available, but will be posted shortly after the conference


Kate Bousum (), Child's Voice, kbousum@childsvoice.org;
At Child’s Voice since 2010, Kate serves the families and children of Child’s Voice as the Director of Advancement since 2012. In this role, she is responsible for the Advancement Team and the goals of raising funds and increasing outreach and awareness for the magic that happens at Child’s Voice! Kate’s specialties include grant writing, corporate/foundation support, special events, annual appeals for financial support, and presentations about Child’s Voice to civic groups, organizations, and associations. She is a graduate of Purdue University and holds the Certified Fund Raising Executive (CFRE) designation. She has completed the Civic Leadership Academy through Northern Illinois University with special endorsements in both Nonprofits and Community Development. In 2018, Kate was awarded the Under 40 Leadership Award for Nonprofits by the Greater Oak Brook Chamber of Commerce. Kate serves on the Continuous Education as the chair for the Fundamentals of Fundraising course with the Association of Fundraising Professionals Chicago Chapter. She is serving a second term as the President of the West Suburban Philanthropic Network. Kate is a member of the GOBCC Young Business Leaders (co-chair) and Nonprofit Groups and is an active member in the Joan Garry Nonprofit Leadership Lab. Kate volunteers with the DuPage Foundation's Next Generation Initiative Steering Committee and her local elementary school and church.


Financial -
No relevant financial relationship exist.

Nonfinancial -
No relevant nonfinancial relationship exist.