2023 Early Hearing Detection & Intervention Conference

March 5-7, 2023 • Cincinnati, OH


3/04/2019  |   2:15 PM - 3:15 PM   |  Developing and Accelerating Parent Leadership: The H&V Leadership-to-Leadership Program   |  International B/C

Developing and Accelerating Parent Leadership: The H&V Leadership-to-Leadership Program

Hands & Voices launched its newest program, Leadership-to-Leadership (L2L) in September 2018 with the belief that leaders can be developed by enhancing one's natural ability with learned skill development through formal and informal learning opportunities, experience, dialogue, feedback, mentoring, and coaching. To meet the parent leader on their journey of leadership that is unique to serving families with children who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing, H&V has developed the Hands & Voices Leadership to Leadership Training Program (L2L). The program components are designed to provide the leaders selected to participate in the yearlong program with the knowledge, tools, and resources needed to enhance their development as parent leaders to promote policies, programs, and systems at all levels. The training opportunity is offered annually to a cohort of H&V parent leaders who seek to increase their knowledge and skills in the areas of: personal leadership development; supporting and leading others; and working with organizations, agencies and individuals to create systems level impact that address important issues for families with children who are Deaf/Hard of Hearing (D/HH). The program uses a three-pronged approach to information exchange and leadership growth. The first is through learning which includes formal and informal learning, through small group meetings, large public webinars, and Do It Yourself (DIY) learning activities. The second is mentoring and coaching. This approach transmits knowledge, wisdom, experience, and support from a more seasoned parent leader to an L2L parent leader. Each L2L Leader is matched with an experienced mentor through a selective application process. The third approach is peer-to-peer interaction. This facilitates learning in a group setting where activities are used to support engagement and collaborative learning to increase peer-to-peer networks.

  • Attendees will be able to name the core domains and components of the H&V L2L program.
  • Attendees will be able to identify the program design that includes opportunities for the program participants to develop their leadership skills through 3 different learning experiences.
  • Attendees will be able to list other H&V leadership opportunities for parent leaders.


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Lisa Kovacs (), Hands & Voices , lisakovacs@handsandvoices.org ;
Lisa Kovacs is the Director of Programs for Hands & Voices Headquarters and the Director of the Family Leadership in Language and Learning (FL3) Center. She and her husband Brian have four young adult children including her son who is hard of hearing/deaf. Lisa was the 2019 Antonio Brancia Maxon Award for EHDI Excellence recipient. Her professional interest include; Parent Advocacy; Implementation of parent participation and engagement in systems building; Parent to Parent support; Deaf Education Reform; IDEA, ESSA, Part C and Part B Training to Parents, and Parent Leadership Training and Development.


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Molly Martzke (), Hands & Voices, molly@handsandvoices.org;
Molly is the Director of Strategic Initiatives for Hands & Voices. In this position, Molly has many roles in Hands & Voices including Co-director of the Family Leadership in Language & Learning (FL3), conference coordination where she is involved in all aspects of the annual Leadership Conference and grant writing where she oversees all aspects of grant management from inception to completion. In addition, she runs the H&V Leadership Book Club and is coordinating the new Leadership-to-Leadership Program. She serves on several councils and committees including the NCHAM Parent Advisory Committee; AAP EHDI Innovative and Promising Practices (IPP) Workgroup and the Deaf and Hard of Hearing Alliance (DHHA). She also recently completed her term as a mentor on the AMCHP Family Leader’s Cohort. Molly lives in Green Bay, WI with her husband Paul and their three children, two sons and a daughter. Her oldest son and daughter are deaf.


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